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PC Drivers & Software

Adept I

I have an All-in-Wonder 9600 video capture card, how do I re-verify the card online?

19 Replies

That's a 20 year old card, so obviously obsolete/end-of-life. As it doesn't support DirectX 11 or 12 it won't be able to play modern games. Were you looking to use it just for video capture? You may have trouble finding software that will work with it.

Ryzen R7 5700X | B550 Gaming X | 2x16GB G.Skill 3600 | Radeon RX 7900XT
Ryzen R7 5700G | B550 Gaming X | 2x8GB G.Skill 4000 | Radeon Vega 8 IGP
Ryzen R5 5600 | B550 Gaming Edge | 4x8GB G.Skill 3600 | Radeon RX 6800XT

I only use it for video capture. My motherboard crashed, I replaced it, now can't

verify the 9600 card to get it running again. Anyplace I can do that?



I would recommend an inexpensive USB capture device, like EasyCap.

Ryzen R7 5700X | B550 Gaming X | 2x16GB G.Skill 3600 | Radeon RX 7900XT
Ryzen R7 5700G | B550 Gaming X | 2x8GB G.Skill 4000 | Radeon Vega 8 IGP
Ryzen R5 5600 | B550 Gaming Edge | 4x8GB G.Skill 3600 | Radeon RX 6800XT

I use Hauppauge TV Tuner Quad Tuner PCIe Card to capture TV Over The Air (OTA) Signals and then use NPVR to record and view all the captured TV Shows and movies. Then use NPVR to work with KODI to watch and view all the recorded TV Shows and movies.

But you don't need KODI, you can use NPVR or Hauppauge own TV Watching app.

Hauppauge also sells USB TV Tuners if interested.

To answer you question, if your 9600 TV/GPU Card is still good I posted the last AMD driver for your GPU card but the drivers are for Windows 7 or older. 

The Windows 7 driver might work in Windows 10 though.


I actually have the proper drivers but after reloading the software after a motherboard burn, I can't get the serial number of the software verified so it will work again. 


So the sticker actually burned or something? Isn't it on the user manual?

The Englishman

Actually, I popped a a couple of caps on my motherboard rendering it inoperable.


I am presuming that your Computer Guru came with a software to watch TV using your All-In-Wonder GPU card, correct?

Are you actually talking about the TV Tuner's software's serial number to activate the program so that you can watch TV or the TV Tuner's software doesn't accept your GPU card's Serial Number anymore?

To tell you the truth I haven't heard of a GPU card that needed to have it serial number verified online before it can be used.  With Programs and Apps yes but not really with hardware such as GPU cards.

EDIT: Can you post your previous PC Information and the software that came to watch TV with your GPU card?

That might help to find a clue on how to be able to install drivers for your old GPU card.



I don't watch tv on my card. I use it ti capture video from several different sources and make those mpg2 files into dvd's or blu-rays.  The software that came with the card was reloaded and won't work unless the serial number is registered online. It doesn't seem to want to do that. I need it to work as I use the card/software for business. I am NOT a gamer or watching tv. 


1st. The device and program works like a tank. I have used it this long because it wasn't broke until the motherboard popped a cap. Being at the end of my career and not the beginning, I really don't want to buy a expensive replacement computer, software, and capture device. If you have some alternatives I would be happy to listen to your alternatives. 


Sorry but what do you mean by "Re-verify the card online"?

By the way here is the last AMD driver for the All-In-Wonder 9600 GPU card:

Here are the specs for your very old GPU card:



When I go to open the software to use the card, it asks me to enter the serial/registration

number. I enter the number and it just gives me an error that it can't. I had a computer guru

tell me the company no longer exists so it can't be verified. If I can't, I'm screwed and am looking for a way to get the software to work with the card that still does. I know it's old and out of service but it does a great job and I would like to keep using it.


I see, it could be trying to validate the serial in a server elsewhere to keep the installation going, if its what I think, there is no way to get that software back, the service is gone. 

Good luck 

The Englishman

Can't you use a different software with your GPU card that doesn't require a Serial Number to activate it?


1- Can you install AMD drivers compatible with your old GPU card?  If yes than you can use a more modern' TV Tuner software to use your GPU Card Tuner feature or at least find one that is compatible with your old GPU card.

2- If you can't install the AMD Driver and if so the exact Installation error you are getting.

3- If you can install the AMD driver does your GPU card work normally as a regular GPU card with good video output?

4- If so then try finding a TV Tuner software that is still compatible with your GPU TV Tuner hardware and install it. Maybe you can get a Demo version to see if it works or a free version.


I don't watch tv on my card. I use it ti capture video from several different sources and make those mpg2 files into dvd's or blu-rays.  The software that came with the card was reloaded and won't work unless the serial number is registered online. It doesn't seem to want to do that. I need it to work as I use the card/software for business. I am NOT a gamer or watching tv. 

Thanks for the update.

If the company that developed the software is not in business anymore than you are probably out of luck unless it was merged or bought out by another company that is still in business  today.

Generally in these type of cases you need to contact the software's Support site and have them reset or again allow access to the software.  If you can find out if the original developers were bought by another company you might be able to contact their Customer Service or Support site to see if they can validate your old software again.

Try googling the software that you need to enable again and see if it has a number you might be able to call or contact.

By any chance are there any other similar type software you can download and use to replace the one that you can't enable?

What is the name of the Software and the developer's name?

If the software developer's is ATI which was purchased by AMD in 2006, I believe, then you might try opening a AMD SUPPORT TICKET and see if they can do something to update the software so that it can be enabled again from here:

I believe that ATI was the company that manufactured the All-In-Wonder GPU cards.


Mediostream NeoDVD7.2 is the name of the software that runs the All in one card 9600.

I see that is considered to be "Shareware" software.

Did some sleuthing and found out this executive was Senior VP - Engineering of MedioStream  who now co-founding another software company called VisualON:

Screenshot 2024-02-09 211943.png

Here is VISUALON Contact page. Try contacting them and see if they can help you with your obsolete software:

Good luck.


Why do you want to use a 20 year old card on an antiquated AGP interface which requires an equally obsolete system just to run it, especially if you're relying on it for your business. There are so many newer, better options that would be more reliable and compatible with modern hardware.

Ryzen R7 5700X | B550 Gaming X | 2x16GB G.Skill 3600 | Radeon RX 7900XT
Ryzen R7 5700G | B550 Gaming X | 2x8GB G.Skill 4000 | Radeon Vega 8 IGP
Ryzen R5 5600 | B550 Gaming Edge | 4x8GB G.Skill 3600 | Radeon RX 6800XT