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Drivers & Software

Journeyman III

Driver timeouts/crashes/BSOD with 23.9.2 driver update (7900 XTX)

Hello, I need some help. I recently updated my drivers to the 23.9.2 from 23.5.2 and my system is completely out of whack now. A ton of driver timeouts/game crashes. I DDU’d and tried the 23.9.1 drivers, no success. I then rolled all the way back to 23.5.2, but I’m still getting driver timeouts and now I’m even getting BSOD’s. I never ever had these before on 23.5.2 and my system ran totally smooth. I really don’t know what to do at this point, is anyone else experiencing this?

1 Reply

(VEGA 64) 23.9.2 also caused BSOD's for me in many scenarios. Any game that put a high enough load on the system would cause a BSOD, and I could also induce it with synthetic workloads. Was consistently repeatable even after multiple DDU's and re-downloads. Rolled back 23.8.2 and everything is fine now.