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PC Drivers & Software

Adept I

Cannot uninstall Ryzen Master


I have an Open 15 with a ryzen 7 4800H.

I installed Ryzen Master but it is not working. I am trying to uninstall it but am not able to it. Whenever I open the uninstaller and click uninstall it doesn't do anything..

Any suggestions on how to remove the program? I have also tried to do it in safe mode, but was not able...

2 Replies

I had some odd behavior with RM before too...can't quite remember what I did to fix it but I think I was updating it and it didn't like how I was doing it, either using the auto updater or just running the new .exe without uninstalling the old version.  Let me dig into my history and see but yeah I was surprised it bugged out on me too.

Adept I

Revo Uninstaller Pro version has a tool that will search out all traces of the program. It's best if you click it from the programs list to uninstall it. However, it does have a way to remove it without the uninstaller.