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Drivers & Software

Journeyman III

Can't install AMD driver

When installing the AMD display diver my screen becomes black. My computer does do anything and I have to manually turn it off and turn it on again. When this happens and my computer boots up again the driver is not installed. I ran DDU before I tried installing the driver.


OS : Windows 10 x64 1903

GPU : XFX R7 370 4GB

CPU : i5 8400

RAM : 16 GB


PSU : Cooler Master 400 W

Is my GPU dying, or has something else gone wrong?

6 Replies

Download and have ready the AMD driver.

Have Windows fully up to date.

Run DDU from safe mode. With internet disabled.


Start Windows normal but KEEP THE INTERNET DISABLED

Now install the AMD driver again.

With any luck this will get it going for you.

You do not need to use DDU. 


You are certainly welcome to offer the OP any advice you like. If they choose to follow yours or any others or mine it is up to the OP. The exact advice I have given is give by AMD themselves for this situation. If you would like to explain your ambiguous, vague comment to the OP and they care to listen by all means. I don't need your advice, my advice worked great on my R9 card that had the same issue, as well as many, many other users here offered the same advice. I would suggest if you are going to have a comment that you might include a better suggestion, or even a suggestion at all. 

Most of the issues like he is having is caused by corruption of the driver while installing by Windows update. A common issue affecting not only AMD but nVidia as well. Both companies recommend the use of DDU. 

Yes they both may recommend it,But it is not required,In 20 years of building gaming computers it has never been used by me or ever needed.

Have I tried it,yep,but other than that 1 time(Just to see what it did(it didn't solve anything) I Figured out the issue,more often it is a hardware /software user issue.

most modern uninstallers/installers are pretty effective at what they do.

And I wasn't giving you advice,Just stating a fact.That DDU is not required,Maybe as a last resort,but that's it.

And that is just my opinion.

Well again the OP can follow whatever advice they like they may find that yours nor mine help them in anyway as there issue is something else. I never used DDU until I did too. Sorry it didn't work for you. The hundreds of thousands it works for must be wrong. Just because you don't use it doesn't mean it isn't a valuable tool. Nobody was forcing it on anyone. Just about every tech site recommends the tool and even the GPU companies such as Nvidia and AMD do too, why because it works great. Can you often get the same affect of using a clean install of the AMD drivers yes you can. It is also more brute force method as it removes things necessary to be removed like game profiles too. DDU leaves those alone, they don't need to be uninstalled and many gamers have lots of games and spend a long time customizing those profiles. So just because you don't do something doesn't mean it isn't a good option it also doesn't mean it is required or there are not other options because I recommended it. Nobody was picking a fight and I for one was not limiting anyone's options. 

Besides the key to what I recommended was not the just DDU it was the installation of the driver with the Internet DISABLED. This has been a ongoing issue with R series cards for over a year now. Windows update tries to install it's repository driver at the same time as the AMD driver is trying to install. So no running AMD clean install doesn't get it because it doesn't remove the repository driver. DDU, does do that. Then running with the internet disabled keeps Windows update from installing the repository driver again. 

Installing an older driver can be done as another user is recommending and is one way to go, but you can get the driver loaded with new drivers, unless the issue turns out to be a true hardware failure of the card. 

This blurb is taken directly from AMD's instructions from an AMD engineer on solving problem drivers BTW:

Troubleshooting Common AMD Graphics Driver Installation Problems 

Driver cleaning software, such as the AMD Clean Uninstall Utility or Display Driver Uninstaller (DDU), can completely remove existing or damaged driver files and registry entries, thereby allowing a successful installation of the latest AMD driver software package.

  • For instructions on how to use the AMD Clean Uninstall Tool, please visit this link.
  • DDU can be download here.

If you can't solve your problem, uninstall the new drivers and try one of the old 2017 drivers. And be sure to use safe mode and DDU when uninstalling. It's important to use DDU, because the new AMD drivers install PCI Bus Filter drivers on your system. You should use DDU to remove this driver from your system in safe. Also make sure that the "C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\Downloads" folder is clean.
You can try this, PCI bus filter is not available on this driver.
Radeon Software Adrenalin Edition 18.3.4 Release Notes | AMD