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Drivers & Software

Adept I

Browser Backend Graphics & Video Files - Stuttering & Driver Crashing

  • GPU: Sapphire Radeon RX 6800
    • Driver Version: 22.10.01
  • CPU: Ryzen 5800x3D
  • RAM: 32 GB Corsair DDR4 @ 3200Mhz
  • MoBo: Gigabyte Aorus x570 I Pro Wifi (Bios updated to latest version to support CPU)
  • PSU: Corsair SFX 750W Platinum 

On any browser (tested on Chrome & Edge, d3d11 or d3d11on12 causes insane stuttering and can often seize up the screen and/or crash the graphics driver. This also happens when running video files from the computer via VLC or the windows default apps. This was NOT happening when the PC was last switched on (12 hours prior to this incident) and was not helped when I updated my drivers to 22.10.01 today. 

This means somewhere between me going to bed last night and waking up this morning (with the computer being off) something seems to have happened with DX11/12. My drivers do not update automatically. 

Tested on a couple of games (Rocket League, Star Citizen, Teardown & Marvel Spiderman) and performance seemed not affected like it was on my browser.  

A workaround for my browser & video files has been to set the browsers backend graphics to openGL. This also works for VLC.

Anyone have any ideas what could have caused this? 

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