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Drivers & Software

Journeyman III

Black screen after installing 24.6.1 during boot, unplugging Valve Index allows boot




Just like the subject line says. Everything has been great the last few months with my Windows 11 and my 7800XT combined with a Valve Index VR headset. The only reason I run windows 11 on the PC is to play VR games with Valve Index. I use Debian and the machine boots fine etc.

The upgrade to 24.6.1 was great initially until I rebooted. Then all I got was a black screen on my monitor. Did some safe boots and all that then found if I unplugged my valve headset during boot the monitor would fire up. Trying switching Display Ports and all that but nothing works to pick the monitor as main display.

Its annoying as all heck having to climb under the desk when I want to boot the machine or wake it up from sleep mode and unplug the headset. 


Its only on boot up when the video card picks the primary monitor or wakes up from sleep mode when this problem occurs. 

Windows doesn't even see the VR headset as a monitor so not sure why the 7800XT does.

TBH I wish I never bought the 7800XT. For VR it sucks and driver support has been pretty crappy. 

I have ALWAYS been a loyal AMD fan and have been using their CPU and GPU forever but the lack of VR support and things like this make me wonder what's going on at AMD lately.

6 Replies
Journeyman III

Its seems rolling the driver back to 24.5.1 has fixed the problem. Not real fix as I would have welcomed some performance upgrade with VR with the 7800XT. I may put this thing up on Ebay and take a hit and go buy something better.

Adept I

Same here Big Screen Beyond is now recognized as a monitor, as it was not before. Steam VR no longer recognizes headset and gets error 208.  Crosseyed/unusable desktop is visible in the HMD outside of Steam VR now.  It use to remain black until Steam VR was opened.  Installed driver yesterday and thought HMD was sleeping as I did not use Steam VR yesterday, upset to find the HMD had been on all night aging/burning in a desktop image.  Graphics cards that cant work with displays... smh. 

Resolved by setting display to highest resolution in windows, then 'enable direct display' in steam vr developer settings.  Seems new driver reverted this steam vr setting.

Journeyman III

I'm seeing the same thing with my Valve Index and the 24.6.1 drivers. No signal on my main monitor on boot. Reverting to 24.5.1 fixed it. I'm going to look into submitting a bug report to try to get it on AMD's radar.

I will reinstall 24.6.1 again and submit a bug report also. I should have done that before I reverted back. I have a feeling the bug reports get sorted by what driver is installed currently. I want to make sure this is registered as a 24.6.1 issue.


Good idea. I submitted the bug report with 24.5.1 installed but I was sure to point out it was an issue with 24.6.1 in the description. I wish the bug tool would let you manually select the driver version.