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PC Drivers & Software

Adept I

Any known good driver versions? RE: amduw32g timeouts

I recently removed my Nvidia card, ran DDU, and then installed the latest driver for my 7950x iGPU. Ran OK for a little bit but eventually I saw a black screen come up at the Windows 11 desktop which resulted in a reboot of the machine. I wrote that off as a one-off issue.


Shortly afterward, I have a 7900xtx installed and am seeing the same behavior. Even at just a Windows desktop, black screens, and reboots or hard lockups. I strongly suspect a driver issue due to the circumstances. And with all the posts complaining around here, sort of cinches this as most likely a software problem. Yes, DDU was run when I installed the 7900xtx and the latest AMD driver package was installed along with a reinstall of the chipset package. It blows up in my face anyway.


Are there any known good versions of the driver that don't have this issue and if so how far back do I need to go?

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