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Drivers & Software

Journeyman III

AMD privacy view strange webcam behaviour

Hello, I've been using AMD privacy view now and again for a little bit now and it seems to cause some strange webcam behaviour in webcams.

Let me start with some facts. Windows only lets 1 piece of software use a webcam at a time, trying to access the same webcam with 2 pieces of software causes an error. The little light on a webcam will turn on when the webcam is in use, this should always happen to show it's in use. Now that's said, the strangeness.

AMD privacy view is seemingly able to access the webcam and do it's eye tracking, while the webcam is being used by another application. This shouldn't be possible in windows but happens anyway. I've only found AMD privacy view to do this, nothing else can.

Second and probably more serious, AMD privacy view given the right conditions, can access a webcam and track a face without the webcam light showing up. It involves using windows hello on the same webcam, the software is using to track a face with no LED appearing on the camera. I can replicate it every time. Again, no other software I've found is able to do that so it must be doing something special. (webcam I tested was a logitech brio 4k). Yes this is probably more of a logitech bug but this AMD software is the only one that does it.

Is there something special this piece of software does with the webcam or? It's able to do two things that really shouldn't be possible. I'd be really interested to hear what others think about this.

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