Processor : Intel Xeon (R) CPU D-1559 @ 1.5GHz x 24
Graphics: AMD Embedded radeon e9171.
OS: Ubuntu 20.04.4 LTS
I am trying to put my AMD GPU to perform at its peak to get the maximum bechmarking score. I am able to set the MCLK and SCLK to maximum value. But I am not sure why the results are still same .SCLK and MCLK is working in its default value.
What is PSTAE_SCLK and PSTATE_MCLK? can some one help me here.
I have added amdgpu.ppfeaturemask=0xfffd7fff line in GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX= in ,/etc/default/grub file. Booting with this will make a special file called /sys/class/drm/card0/device/pp_od_clk_voltage appear.
echo "profile_peak" > /sys/class/drm/card0/device/power_dpm_force_performance_level has set the SCLK and MCLK to the peak value of 1219MHz and 1500MHz respectively. But I am seeing PSTATE_SCLK as 214MHz and PSTATE_MCLK as 625MHz.
Can someone help me understand this PSTAE_SCLK and PSTATE_MCLK. does it have any effect on getting maximum performance?
My ultimate aim is to run the GPU to its maximum performance mode and get the better GPU benchmarking score.
I can also try out other option as well if suggested.