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PC Drivers & Software

Journeyman III

7900xtx Display driver amduw23g stopped responding and has successfully recovered

Been having this issue in the last 7 days using current drivers. Computer will freeze for approx. 5 seconds, then the monitor will blank out for the same amount of time, and whatever I'm running (in this case Hunt: Showdown) will crash. Event viewer gives the following error: "Display driver amduw23g stopped responding and has successfully recovered". Only seems to affect Hunt thus far. Absolutely absurd that this is an issue with a one-thousand dollar card, definitely regretting swapping from Team Green. 

126 Replies

I wish the Ally could turn this on  but alas its an option that is not supported.


I've done a clean install of 23.12.1 and currently have HAGS on.  I'm still experiencing issues on this driver as well.  I will say that it seems like have both of my monitors on the same refresh rate has caused the crashing to subside a bit.  I don't really like having to move my 240hz monitor down to 144hz though, especially on a 7900xtx.


Dang that sucks.  I was hoping that was going to help a lot of people out. 
I do have monitor at the same refresh rate.
This issue has been going on for far too long. 


How do you turn that on?


How to enable Hardware-Accelerated GPU Scheduling on Windows 11 - Pureinfotech

I didn't need to do the reg edit but there was a few times I went to find it in the settings at the beginning and the option just wasn't there.  AMD probably still has a little work to do on the feature.


As an update to this, I haven't had a display driver crash in days.  I've had to go through all of my applications and make sure hardware acceleration is turned off or the driver will crash while gaming.  I'll have to test and see if I can bump my refresh rate up, but so far I'm just glad I'm not having the crashes.


Just following the thread from everyone, but I'm pretty much getting the same errors, same crashes with my 6950XT, I'll double check HA on all apps as well just to see.


Another follow-up.  Still having these driver crashes, even with the hardware acceleration turned off.  I've tried pretty much everything at this point.  


I saw an improvement after disabling hardware acceleration - played for six hours straight (for science, of course) without a single crash. Then, the next day, not even 10 minutes in and it already crashed.
For me the only solution (if you can even call it that) is to enable FPS limiter in AMD software and to set the limit to 60-75 FPS (the higher the limit, the more often the issue occurs). Of course it sucks and is only a temporary solution (I have a 144 Hz monitor...), but at least it doesn't crash every five minutes now.


I used a third party program to shut down the adrenaline software suite and I haven't had a crash in days.  I'll update in a few days to let everyone know how it's going, but so far my PC is running much better overall with the adrenaline software shut off.   


Yeah before the 23.12.1 driver I did a clean install without the adrenaline software and that ran great for a month. It's definitely something in the adrenaline software suite.  Luckily I've only had like 2 driver timeouts since the the 23.12.1.  I just wish more people were having the luck I am with this driver because I know the pain. I've had this issue playing WoW for about 8 months before I did the DDU and no adrenaline software.

Adept I

I've also been having this issue on my 7800xt, its happened while playing tf2, halo infinite, and while idle in ROBLOX studio. prob a memory leak or scheduling issue somewhere in the driver as it only seems to happen after some time has passed, still incredibly annoying to deal with considering the rtx2070 I was running before never had any driver issues. hard to get the most out of this card when the firmware sucks.

I've had the same issue for about a year now.  So far this driver 23.12.1 has fixed it for me since release after doing everything under the sun.  Have you made sure the new HAGS support is enabled in windows?  I've only had 1 driver out since release of this driver and that seems to be because windows turned off HAGS support on me. 
Trying to see if this works for more people than just me.

I saw your reply to someone else's post suggesting this so I checked. HAGS is currently enabled on my system and I've never touched those settings so I'm assuming it has always been enabled.

Dang man that sucks. I was hoping this would help some more people. To be honest I don't even know if HAGS is what fixed it "so far" for me. I have been able to go a week or so before without issue.  So maybe its just waiting to pull the rug from under me again.  

With having HAGS on. I did go through and turn on Hardware acceleration in discord and my web browser. I had turned it off trying to troubleshoot this issue in the past.
The only reason I bring this up is because I does kind of feel like a weird random issue with stuff like hardware acceleration, and I'm no IT guy so take that for what its worth.
But since this driver with the new HAGS support I haven't gotten the driver timeout but I have noticed my web browser will hang for a few secs from time to time. So if traded a web browser hang for that driver timeout. I'm okay with that.  lol
But again that's just me spit balling.  From what little I've read about HAGS I don't even know if it has anything to Hardware acceleration.

Adept I

update. went ahead and hoped it was hardware and got a 7900 xtx. world of warcraft classic still tdr's either in dx12 or dx11 mode. using the latest drivers with hardware scheduler enabled. also made sure to ddu before hand. really sucks. i really want to stay on amd but this just sucks. yeah its just a tdr, they recover, but its super annoying.

also running only a single 1440p monitor. and yes, i tried disabling freesync but they still tdr. i would post links to the WoW forums showing the at this stage, hundreds of amd users complaining of tdr's but it doesn't appear i can post links here.

You can post links if you remove the https:// 

What is TDR?

TDR = Timeout Detection and Recovery

Driver crashes, but recovers. Also you can check how many TDR's you have gotten by going into event viewer, windows logs, system, and look for anything labeled "display" for the source column. 

And I didn't know about the removing of http, thank you.

Adept I

AMD Drivers have been completely broken for months when it comes to DX 12 games. Users have been reporting constant crashes and driver timeouts playing DX 12 games such as WoW, AMD Has not addressed this, yet they continue promoting and selling their broken cards. 

Yeah I've had this problem for about a year now. I thought it was fixed in this latest driver but the problem just came back today. 12/20/23   How can one go like 2-3 weeks without issue and then its just back. lol  
It's a bad nightmare at this point.

Adept I

so today in 10 minutes i got SIX TDR's in a row in world of warcraft classic. 3 of them were right after another. meaning, crash, driver recovered, crashed immediately, driver recovered, and then crash immediately. it was so bad it made world of warcraft classic crash.

of course i sent in the error reports from the issue detection tool since it obviously picked up the TDR. please amd, fix this issue. two 7900 xt's, now a 7900 xtx, i pretty much rebuilt my computer twice from swapping motherboards, cpu's, ram, etc. this isn't a hardware issue on my end. its a driver issue.

and the second i left this post, another TDR while just flying on a flight taxi to the wetlands. and no, it has no relation to firefox as most of the time i have nothing else running in the background. just WoW itself.

Screenshot 2023-12-22 094033.png

Yup I've done the same thing man. I've RMA the card and put in a completely different system.  I guess I'm getting a little lucky though.  Since the latest driver I've only had 2 time outs and that's when I made that this is a bad nightmare comment.  SOOOOOO its doing better for me which I'm thankful for, I'm a big classic player as well, but it still needs work. 
I also had success with doing a DDU and only installing the windows driver and not the adrenaline  software. I had done that for about 3 weeks before the 23.12.1 driver and had not had issues.  I figured I would try the this new driver out and so far it hasn't been bad enough for me to go back to DDU and driver only.

Adept I

me again. 10 minutes into WoW classic, not one, but two TDR's back to back.

Screenshot 2023-12-23 112943.png

please fix this.

I had 20 TDRs in one day trying to play Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5+2.5 Remix, it seriously needs fixing.

Its not looking good for them if they won't fix it.

Adept II

More issues here too. Still no fix.


I am now trying older drivers at an attempt and hope its just a driver issue.

Journeyman III

Also been having this issue since I bought my 7900xtx several months ago. Have tried numerous different driver versions, disabling MPO, TDR, ULPS, etc. Sapphire won't respond to my tickets for an RMA, but I'm starting to see it's less likely a hardware issue and more a software issue going by how many people have problems.

Had AMD said anything about this at all? It looks like complete silence from them. I might have to fight with Sapphire/Newegg to get a refund and then go back to Nvidia.

Journeyman III

I'm experiencing the same issue with my graphics card. Anyone found a solution? Any insights would be appreciated.

Adept II

I have rolled all the way back to whql-amd-software-adrenalin-edition-23.10.2-win10-win11-oct19-rdna and it seems to be ok on SOME programs.


Clearly still issues, I do feel this is a driver issue.


It is but AMD refuses to acknowledge this issue that's been ongoing for MONTHS now.

I've rolled even further away. To 23.5.2. Works fine. I think I'll stay on it until there will be news on AMD fixing the issues with their newest drivers. 

Adept II

I need to wait till Monday to RMA.


So I tried some CRE edits.

I dropped my monitor res.

I've tried single monitors and other monitors.


I have noticed that I am getting clock speed and memory clock speed drops, which is synced with power draw drops.

I know its not the best tool, but I tried to see which was doing which first...


Using a red line, I can see the power draw is actually dropping FIRST, then the clocks drop.

Is this another issue or are you having the same observations?

Adept I

For anyone having issues with WoW, make sure you disable Hardware Acceleration within the application.  In my experience, any app with hardware acceleration causes problems while gaming and causes the driver to crash, including AMD's Adrenaline suite.  


You can also check this site out. 

Home · RedDot-3ND7355/MPO-GPU-FIX Wiki (

I have enabled the MPO fix and TDR fix. I am not sure which one of those that are the true fix for me, but i can now play WoW with DX12 without any known issues so far. 

I wonder if it will fix my issues with Kingdom Hearts 1.5 2.5 Remix... I already have the TDR fix done but wonder about the other one.

I will report back on this.

Update: Nevermind it still very much happens.


Yeah happends to me too, but now instead of a recovering gfx the computer totaly freezes instead. 


That happens to me too.

Our only hope is literally if AMD will ever fix it.

Which I have my doubts about.

Adept II

I played for 4 hours.


Started to see flashing textures in the horizon.

Then had a TDR.


I am using lasso'd cores for P Cores (not ecores) and I'm running DX11 and low graphics.


**bleep**. I wish I went with a 4080

Journeyman III

My the most recent build with Ryzen 7 7800X3D / PowerColor RX7900XTX Hellhound had exactly the same issue with constant driver crashes. Regardless of above mentioned possible solutions I was not able to get away with driver crashing within 3 to 60 minutes.

It was relatively easy to crash the driver when FPS was something like +90 i.e., in RDR2 or Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora where crash then occurred within minutes. By limiting FPS to 60 my computer became somewhat usable but definitely not acceptable!

I literally lost my temper and ended up doing RMA from RX7900XTX and installed my trusty old RTX 2070 back. All my issues went away and I was able to use this computer properly - with limited performance due to 2070.

My RX7900XTX was deemed faulty as artifacts were detected but I never detected these during my use. I cannot post a review based on faulty card but this could have been the factor behind my driver crashed.

I had issues like a month and based on reading these driver crashes discussions I decided to take a refund from RX7900XTX and went with RTX 4080 instead - as with 2070 no issues so far.