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Journeyman III

Помогите пожалуйста решить ошибку код 43 amd radeon (tm) graphics

Дело было так, играл я спокойно в фортнайт и там у меня начали происходить мертвые зависания раз 5 в день а то и больше. Я пошел рыскать как их решить, много методов понаходил и установка старых драйверов и патчи устройств ничего не помогло, стал заходить в диспетчер устройств, а там восклицательный знак, ну думаю это точно проблема в этом удалял раз уже 10 драйвера через утилиты DDU и утилиту AMD Clenup utility. Помогите пожалуйста!Screenshot_3.png

3 Replies
Journeyman III

И драйвера установленные от microsoft обновлений тоже с кодом 43.

Volunteer Moderator

Translation from Russian:


And the drivers installed from Microsoft updates are also with code 43.

As Albert Einstein said, "I could have done so much more with a Big Al's Computer!".
Volunteer Moderator

Translation(s) from Russian:


Please help solve error code 43 amd radeon (tm) graphics


It was like this, I played Fortnite calmly and there I began to have dead freezes 5 times a day, or even more. I went to search how to solve them, found many methods and installing old drivers and device patches did not help, I began to go to the device manager, and there is an exclamation mark, well, I think this is definitely a problem in this I have already removed drivers 10 times through DDU utilities and AMD Cleanup utility. Please help!


From what I see above, your RX 560 video card has a problem with the Adrenalin driver that you installed.  I bet you have the wrong version installed.  According to the support section of, your RX 560 should be running the Adrenalin 24.9.1 driver version - not the current Adrenalin 24.12.1 version.  I suggest you use DDU in safe mode to uninstall your current Adrenalin driver and then install the Adrenalin 24.9.1 driver and reboot.


Adrenalin 24.9.1 (WHQL Recommended)

As Albert Einstein said, "I could have done so much more with a Big Al's Computer!".