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Blender Discussions

Radeon Pro WX 5100 Slow Blender Render

my current setup I have a dedicated Radeon Pro WX 5100 card for renders in blender but when I setup the opencl using cycles or AMD Pro Render the render are super slow and depending of the version of blender there are artifacts. is there something I need to enable or check to get faster renders with AMD Gpu's my AMD cpu feel like they render faster than my gpus. I really havent found a good applications in my pipeline that justified the cost of buying this card.  are there any better rendering addon or programs than blender that take advantage of amd gpus?

2 Replies

Try their Radeon Pro-Render for Blender Plug in.

Might be faster tha Blender Cycles, but I am not convinced about it at all and pretty much everyone I know uses Cycles. 

AMD ae way behind in Blender GPU rendering now, and seem tohave given up on OpenCL Compute.
Recent reviews of the RX68/9000XT covered that aspect of the cards.

If you just want them for gaming and rasterization only fine. 

Anything else? forget it. 


I have used the pro render addon and its feels slower than cycles let alone having to learn new render engine. I left maya after the dropping of mental ray and was happy to hear cycles being built into blender I didnt have to worry about having to relearning everything. if I would have known my Radeon Pro WX would have been so useless compared to my RX 590 or even my Ryzen 7 I wouldn't have bought it. I just cant find a good rendering solution for amd cards..