When activating Depth of Field at low values using Blender 2.8 on MAC OS 10.14.5 with AMD Vega 64 eGPU the Bump Map aplied to a Material of a Principle Shader Node almosts disapears. I put the Focus on an EMpty at the suface of the Mesh to make sure it is in Focus. Also increasing Blades didn't help. Therefor i cant Render with Depth of Field right now, in comparision to Cycles, where it works fine. Hope this can be fixed somehow a simple .blend with this bug is attached.
Thank you for request, can you share current scene or used Bump map for current scene for recheck this Bug?
Yes, i now attached a .blend file to the orignial post above. It's a very simple blend with a bump map and DOF activated on the Camera Object. It results in the same Bug, where the Bump Map is blurred even if targeted in focus by an Empty Object. Can't use DOF for that reason since last update anymore. Thank you.
If that helps: I figured if i set Render Devices to both CPU & GPU then the viewport shows a nealy correct correct result for a few seconds, before than slowly blurring out the bump map (also in the area which should be in focus).
When setting devices only to GPU, then the viewport shows the wrong blurred out image right away.
..Maybe this can help to traceback the bug?
I am running a Mac mini (2018) 3,2 GHz Intel Core i7 32 GB 2667 MHz DDR4 with eGPU Radeon RX Vega 64 8 GB.
thank you for details and for scene sharing