Has anybody else experienced this issue? I'm rendering an animation out of Blender 2.82.7 with RPR. This first three to five frames go well but than Blender crashes. I can then go on with rendering the frame it originally crashed on until it crashes again three frames after.
Hi! could you share the scene (if it possible) and system specs? And also, please, recheck this with the latest beta release https://community.amd.com/docs/DOC-2431
sorry for not clarifying this. I'm on RPR 2.35 which i downloaded from the thread you posted.
I can't send the particular project but just tried it out with the default cube which leads to the same error (project file attached).
Only things I changed from a default new Blender project:
- Frame export format to "OpenEXR"
- Changed path where the rendered frames will be stored to
- Keyframed a simple camera movement.
thank you for the additional information. will try to reproduce from my side
250 frames without crash with DOF, Particles, and motion blur. Could you share your system specs, as I ask earlier? Thank you
i9 9900k
2 x Radeon VII
macOS Catalina 10.15.4
Blender 2.82.7
Am 04.05.2020 um 17:06 schrieb arozghon <amd-external@jiveon.com>:
Community <https://community.amd.com/?et=watches.email.thread>
Re: Animation render crashes every max. 5 frames
in Blender
Hi! could you share the scene (if it possible) and system specs? And also, please, recheck this with the latest beta release Beta builds for Radeon ProRender Blender (Q2) <https://community.amd.com/docs/DOC-2431>
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thank you
Just an update: it seems to be related to the dual GPU setup.
When posting my system specs I thought it would be worth a try only to render with one GPU. Rendering is not finished yet but currently it rendered the 10th frame without crashing. So something seems to be different then
yes, maybe it mGPU issue, will try to reproduce with mGPU setup.
Is there any news on this? Curios to know if it's with my setup or a general issue
I have the animation crash with some specific scenes and with Medium Quality settings. Do you use a particle system, smoke simulation, etc generators in scene?
In the scene I faced the problem initially the most fancy thing I did was normal mapping.
But since it also happened with the default cube and only camera movement I don't think thats the reason.
What exactly do you mean by "medium quality settings"? Low sample rate? The mentioned project was at 512 samples min/max. But with the default cube I did not change the default sample rate.
I wrote about those settings: full - is RPR 1.0, Low\med\high - Hybrid, and Full (Experimental) is RPR 2.0
Would like to give it a try, but don't have this option over here.
To anybody having this problem a workaround is using a script to render each frame independent. I did not write the script, see credit at bottom.
import bpy
import time
import os
scene = bpy.context.scene #variable that fetches current scene
outputDir = scene.render.filepath #variable that fetches output directory
filext = scene.render.file_extension #file extension suffix
for frame in range(scene.frame_start, scene.frame_end + 1): #note "frame" is just a variable
filepath = os.path.join(outputDir, str(frame).zfill(4)) #variable for file checker
if os.path.isfile(filepath + filext):
print('File exists, skipping to next...')
scene.render.filepath = filepath
time.sleep(3) #wait time in seconds after each frame render, inscreasce if there are dependency/driver related errors
scene.render.filepath = outputDir
#The name of files will always be frame number (eg. 0000.jpg), Its recommended to separate different takes/versions by folders
#This script will use Output settings that you have defined in Properties tab
#Original script by John October Rage
#Improved by Alumx (with assistence of Bobbe)
Are there any news on this? Besides using a script which seems to be more a workaround.