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Blender Discussions

Active rendered viewport broken in Mac RPR for Blender 1.8.253 (core 1.321)

I installed the latest Mac version of RPR (see details above) this morning and when I hit Shift+Z to get a render preview, I get an ERROR massage saying that I should check the log.

I've attached the log error. Weirdly, I get a perfectly good, fast render when I hit F12.

My setup:

Late 2016 MBP running macOS Mojave 10.4.2 Beta (18C52a)

connected to 2 x Sonnet eGFX Breakaway Box each containing a Vega 64

The rendered viewport preview has worked well with all previous versions or RPR on this system.



4 Replies

having the same issue. MacBook Pro 2018 + Razer Core x + Vega 64, macOS 10.14.1

final render appears to work properly but viewport rendering fails telling me to check the log.

additionally, viewport rendering *does* work with the 560x gpu in the MacBook Pro.


Thanks.  We've heard this from a few users and are taking a look.

Journeyman III

Have you tried to ensure all your materials are using the RPR shaders and connected to RPR Output?

I use 1.8.253 with Blender 2.79b on Mojave + Vega 20.

Can I request ProRender team to allow renderer to continue than halting?  I do understand the errors are mainly the materials.  Maybe render in purple shade (Blender's standard for missing texture).  This will help us to recognize rather than finding the culprit.


In my case I can confirm i am using rpr shaders and output. To be clear, it’s not a material error from an incorrect node network or anything. It renders just fine via f12. it is the renderer itself that won’t initialize properly, specifically for viewport previews using my egpu on macOS. viewport will preview using built in 560x.