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Enabling DASH in Lenovo Bios using Lenovo's config scripts

1 0 5,147

1. The functionality has been implemented using WMI interface and are embedded as scripts which can be downloaded       using below link: 

2. Cscript is required for execution which can be found in below path in windows installed systems


3. Below command is used to list current bios settings:

      cscript.exe ListAll.vbs

4. To Enable/Disable DASH in bios, Use the below command accordingly:

      cscript.exe SetConfig.vbs DashEnabled Enable (To Enable DASH)

      cscript.exe SetConfig.vbs DashEnabled Disable (To Disable DASH)

5. Restart the system for changes to get reflected.

About the Author
Working as part of manageability contributor as part of CCST