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PC Drivers & Software

Journeyman III


I have 4 monitors, but I only which to use 3 in my Eyefinity setup.

In the current driver software v 20.2.2 there is only a quick setup that can't be modified. It puts the monitors all in a row, and no changes can be made.

Older versions (v 18) had an advanced setup which is no longer available.

Could this advance feature please be reinstated? Playing on a single monitor is for people with nVidia cards.

3 Replies

This User @ETS is asking the same question about where Eyefinity Advanced Settings disappeared to: Eyefinity advanced? 


This User wrote at the thread by ETS showing a way to manually get Advanced Settings to appear. Looks like it works because ETS was happy with the results: 

Journeyman III

I'm basically in the same situation.
Right now i'm using 3 monitors 27" 34" 27" which works in eyefinity.
But with the new CPU and GPU generation coming at the end of this year, i would like to finally upgrade my PC to be able to use Eyefinity properly in MSFS 2020 (I7 4790k + Vega 64 is not powerful enough for that right now).
But in the best case, i would maybe like to add a 4th screen to be able to use some navigation tools or so on the 4th monitor while playing on the other 3.

With "spacedesk" on my smartphone, i was actually able to do that but for navigation that pretty small. (maybe a tablet would be an option if nothing else works)
And a 4th monitor gets just automatically added to the eyefinity setup.

I was aware of CCC like mentioned here, but this seems to be no longer accessible.
Windowed Mode in games might be an option, but not every game offers this.

An maybe in addition. While playing around with this and trying different stuff, multiple times my monitors just went black without getting a signal and i had to force a restart.