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PC Graphics

Journeyman III

RX 5500 XT with an older motherboard


while trying to refresh an older desktop I put an RX 5500 XT card into a PC with an Asus P7P55D-E motherboard and my machine stopped booting. It shows the BIOS splash screen, then the screen turns black and the booting process halts completely, with no activity from disks.

However, when I put an older nvidia card into the primary PCI slot and the RX 5500 into the secondary, the system starts normally. The RX 5500 is then recognized by the OS as the secondary device and I am able to connect my monitor to it. Some software refuses to work with such setup though.

Is there a way to make my system boot with the RX 5500 as the only card?

The motherboard has the most recent available BIOS version installed.

8 Replies

Your MB may need a bios update to support it. The navi cards are the first PCIe 4.0 cards and while it is supposed to be backward compatible it may be introducing a hiccup causing the issue. Report the issue to your motherboard makers support department and see if they have advice. 

You can ask AMD support here: 

Also while you don't have any newer bios to load. Did you make sure you are running the latest chipset driver for your board?


I'll probably contact the manufacturer of my motherboard, but seeing as the model is now around ten years old and the latest BIOS update is only slightly newer, I don't expect much to come out of that.

But! I managed to configure my system to push all the workload through the RX 5500 and it works beautifully. Even the software that previously had issues now just works. The old nvidia is now only needed to trick the motherboard into starting up and for the time being I'm pretty okay with such setup.


I do wonder if you situation is similar to another thread. The person has a 5600 and says they see not bios screen or post with this card in their machine. Theirs is a much newer x570 board but maybe something with the navi bios is having a hiccup. 

Id definitely talk to the GPU maker support department too for advice. 

The other thread: 


Hi, can you please tell me how to do it, I'm having the same problem with my rx 5500xt, I can only boot using an old hd 5450, thank you in advance 


If you can enter the BIOS screen, you should be able to re-install the Windows. What version of Windows do you have? And have you tried installing Windows again? A new hardware you just added might prevent the Windows OS from booting. Is that the problem? Or is the problem that the motherboard cannot select the boot devices? Can you describe exactly what the problem is?


Hi, I have the same problem with my card rx 5500 8g installed on Asus 5pk SE. Would you explain how do you manage tricked with another GPU. 


If you haven't figured out how to trick your MB, the easiest way is to boot to the on-board video, then in Windows Device Manager, Disable the Integrated Graphics. This will allow your PC to boot into windows, then onc e windows loads, it switches to your card. 

Journeyman III

I have the same problem had to put an Nvidia to boot

Can't boot without it