I realize this would not be a certified configuration... however we have several competing goals and hoping to see if this would work. Ideally, we'd be able to use Horizon 7.5 (with ESXi 6.0 U3 or 6.5 U2), linked clones and Windows 10 (1803/Education) VMs over the Blast protocol. I see that shared pass-through should work with Horizon 7.2, but our environment is already at Horizon 7.4. Is it possible to get S7150x2 shared pass-through working with Horizon 7.4 or 7.5?
Any advice is appreciated 🙂
Update: we've got S7150x2 MxGPU working fairly stable in our Horizon 7.4 environment... We need to upgrade to Horizon 7.5 to support Windows 10 1803, but I'm nervous about what exactly isn't compatible/supported past Horizon 7.2. I'm not finding much documentation on this, and the support contact form is currently broken 😕
Anyone else successfully using S7150x2 MxGPU with Horizon 7.5?
If no one is able to help open an AMD EMAIL SUPPORT TICKET and see what they say: Email Form .
Probably seen this already but just in case you haven't you can download different types of drivers for your Professional GPU card from here: AMD MxGPU | AMD
Also here is Horizon 7.5 Release Notes : Release Notes for VMware Horizon 7 version 7.5 . (Sorry If I am just posting information that you already probably are aware of. Just covering the basics).
Thanks for the reply @elstaci... The email form appears to be broken, so it looks like I'll have to try and go through our reseller 😕
What browser are you using? I am using Chrome (latest Version) and the Email Support site comes up.
Someone was trying to access AMD Rewards website with Internet Explorer and it was not coming up correctly until he switched to Firefox.
For instance in Internet Explorer the "I am not a Robot" Captcha would not show up until he used Firefox.
How is the Email Support broken? What error messages are you getting? AMD is revamping their entire site which is causing issues with accessing their website until they finish updating the various websites.
fsadough would probably be the person to help you with your post since he is one of the experts on Professional GPU cards here at AMD Forums. But he is pretty busy and sometimes doesn't answer all the time.
The email form site doesn't even load:
AMD is moving away from Microsoft Sharepoint to a newer format. This may be a glitch in which they need to fix in your area. I PMed one of the Moderators about your image and thread to see if they can get it fixed.
Can post from what Country or City you are trying to access the internet. If not I imagine one of the Moderator will contact you if they need more information.
Thanks for the alert. It is possible other Users may be having the same issue as you.
Thank you for taking the time to direct help in my direction!
Something similar happened to me also. While going to AMD Eyefinity Website. The main Eyefinity website worked but when you tried to click on one of the SUPPORT links at the bottom of the page. I got a similar error as you did. I PMed the Moderator and Ray_M mentioned that the link was from the old AMD website which is being moved. That he will notify the persons in charge of websites about it. You just found another old link, at least, in your area.
This is what RAY_M suggested in doing at first about the old links. See if it should work for you by clearing the browsers history: