Latest posts by emil_hqs
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‎11-10-2020 03:23 AM
Hello to everyone, I am Emil Hodzic, I live in Bosnia and Herzegovina. I'm dealing with computers, computer science, I love it and that is my direction in my life. But sometimes life can not be the way we want it, so I could enroll in the secondary school that has me. I'm going to Elektro Tehnical School in the direction of Energetics. The computer I have is not anything special but it's pretty good at launching all the new titles in 720p resolution. The first computer I had was amd apu a4 3300 dual cor 2.5ghz and asus gt 440 course with 4gb ram, after some time I collected some money and I bought the r7 370 and I spun it with the i5 3470 and I added 4 GB of RAM, which is good for me right now.
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Member Since ‎02-19-2018
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Member Since ‎02-19-2018 07:40 AM
Date Last Visited ‎11-10-2020 03:23 AM
Posts 2