After collecting a profile with AMDuProfCLI collect, processing it with report works fine unless you specify --show-event-count. All event counts are zero in the summary sections (THREAD SUMMARY, MODULE SUMMARY, FUNCTION SUMMARY) But in the function detail section and the "5 hotest" section the counts are all present.
Hi AlexMericas,
Can you provide more details like your uProf version/OS/processor/kernel version....
Can you please attach the csv report as well? What kind of application you are profiling, how long it runs?
AMDuProf Version:3.5.671.0
Linux 5.13.0-39-generic #44~20.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Thu Mar 24 16:43:35 UTC 2022 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
Doesn't seem to matter how big/small the target application is. For example, I profiled stream with this command
AMDuProfCLI collect --config ibs --affinity 0-63 -o /tmp/ ~/cs42/stream/stream_AVX2
And processed the output file two different ways:
AMDuProfCLI report --detail -i /tmp/AMDuProf-stream_AVX2-IBS_May-17-2022_07-20-16
AMDuProfCLI report --detail --show-event-count -i /tmp/AMDuProf-stream_AVX2-IBS_May-17-2022_07-20-16
I will attach the resulting CSV files as soon as I find the menu item for that!
Thanks for reporting this issue. I have filed a bug report for this, will keep you posted on the progress of the same.
Hello AlexMericas, The issue has been fixed in recently released uProf version 3.6. Please check AMD μProf - AMD.