I've installed the AMDuProf package. It installs without error. When I attempt to run AMDuProf from the command line I get this message:
ERROR : The driver failed to start profiling. (error code 0x8000ffff)
I'm running a TR Pro 3955wx on Linux 6.0.6 with AMDuProf version 3.6.449.
Hi, I shall get back on this asap.
Hi, I installed Linux kernel version on my ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS and uProf 3.6 works fine on this.
Can you share your uProf command? I shall try this on Arch Linux as well.
Can you try uProf with below settings ?
ulimit -n unlimited
I'm not able to set unlimited, even as root, however I did set it to 655,350,000. Here are the commands I'm running:
[root@arch03 bin]# ulimit -n 655350000
[root@arch03 bin]# AMDuProfCLI collect -o res/ ./bvh_toy
ERROR : The driver failed to start profiling. (error code 0x8000ffff)
Error: Collection of profile data failed...
[root@arch03 bin]# ulimit -n
[root@arch03 bin]#
Additionally here are some outputs from other bits that I've seen people post before:
[root@arch03 bin]# cat /sys/module/AMDPowerProfiler/uevent
cat: /sys/module/AMDPowerProfiler/uevent: Permission denied
[root@arch03 bin]# cat /sys/module/AMDPowerProfiler/initstate
[root@arch03 bin]# cat /sys/module/AMDPowerProfiler/srcversion
[root@arch03 bin]# cat /sys/module/AMDPowerProfiler/refcnt
[root@arch03 bin]# cat /proc/AMDPowerProfiler/device
[root@arch03 bin]# cat /proc/AMDPowerProfiler/state
[root@arch03 bin]# cat /proc/AMDPowerProfiler/version
[root@arch03 bin]#
Are you able to use perf tool on your machine? I am still working on my ArchLinux setup. I will keep you posted on this.
We can meet over MS teams or any other platform for faster resolution? Ping me at toolchainsupport at amd dot com.
Last week we have released uProf version 4.0. Can you please check if this resolves your issue?
I could not reproduce the issue in my environment.