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A Great Time to Move to AMD EPYC on Azure

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Performance. Optimization. Security. These are the building blocks for the AMD EPYC™ processor and what every customer can expect when they use AMD EPYC. Whether in an enterprise datacenter, a high-performance computing cluster, or a public cloud instance, our goal is to provide a processor that can support the varied workloads across the modern IT environment.


In the public cloud market, we’ve heard loud and clear that customers want to deliver our exceptional core counts, memory bandwidth and I/O capabilities to expand their offerings.


Today, I am excited to share that after being in preview with a select group of customers, the Microsoft Azure Lsv2-series Virtual Machine powered by the AMD EPYC processor is now available to all. This milestone is another proof point that public cloud providers trust AMD to provide a high-performance, cost effective cloud instance to their customers.


The Lsv2-series offers customers a fantastic solution for anybody that’s looking to move big data applications, SQL and NoSQL databases, data warehousing, and large transactional databases into the cloud. It takes advantage of AMD EPYC’s expansive I/O capability and enables NVMe based storage performance on top of the inherent advantages of running in Azure’s cloud. It’s a win-win scenario. And for customers managing the Microsoft SQL server 2008 EOS, migrating to the Lsv2-series is a perfect option.


Navneet Joneja - Partner PM Manager, Microsoft Azure Compute and Messaging said it best, 

We’re thrilled to make generally available the new Lsv2 virtual machines featuring the AMD EPYC processor. They are designed to support a broad range of demanding workloads for our Azure customers, including in memory databases, big data, data warehousing and other enterprise class applications. We look forward to bringing to market new Azure virtual machines in collaboration with AMD, such as the HB-series currently in public preview.

You can read more about the Microsoft Azure Lsv2-series instance, including pricing, in the Microsoft blog here, and we believe you will find a lot to like with the offering. Signing up and picking an AMD powered instance is straightforward, as is moving from our competition to access AMD EPYC economics and performance.


In addition to the Lsv2-series instance, AMD EPYC is also powering the new Microsoft Azure HB-series VMs optimized for high-performance computing applications that need access to memory bandwidth. These are perfect for workloads that can leverage the more than 260 GB/sec of memory bandwidth that the AMD EPYC solution provides. You can try out an instance here, with a simple sign-up.


We’re excited to get AMD EPYC cloud instances in the hands of more customers, and we’re excited to continue to work with our amazing cloud partners like Microsoft Azure.


This is just the beginning for AMD EPYC processors in 2019. We will continue to set an even higher bar for performance, cost savings, and flexibility of choice as we bring our next generation products to market later this year.



Scott Aylor is the CVP & GM of  the AMD Datacenter Solutions Group. His postings are his own opinions and may not represent AMD’s positions, strategies or opinions. Links to third party sites are provided for convenience and unless explicitly stated, AMD is not responsible for the contents of such linked sites and no endorsement is implied.  GD-5