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ROCm Discussions

Journeyman III

Newbie questions for compiling ROCm PyTorch

I am trying to install PyTorch from, following the instructions there.

I have a server with 2 MD EPYC 7302 CPUs and 2 AMD Instinct MI100 GPUs, running Ubuntu 20.04.3. I have installed ROCm 4.3 and can compile and run sample code from

I follow the instructions to compile PyTorch from source and install and I end up running into errors for the "gfx90a" target. This is where I get the idea that maybe I should not just be compiling for the default targets. I can glean from various examples that I can set this with the PYTORCH_ROCM_ARCH environment variable. rocminfo tells me that the "Name" of the GPUs is "gfx908". Is this what I should use for target architecture?

The more general question: where do I look up which possible target architectures exist? I have been browsing around various AMD compiler documentation with no luck. Where can I see which architectures specific GPU product names correspond to?

1 Reply
Journeyman III

Hi thomasa,

On ubuntu 20.03 after rocm-4.5.2 had been installed ,  the sudo pip install torch helped when i was trying the MI100 (gfx908).

good luck!