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ROCm Discussions

Journeyman III

How to use eGPU with AMD 7900xtx in Windows to get the GPU acceleration for AL/ML?

Greetings! I am a newbie here and wondering how I can use eGPU with AMD 7900xtx in Windows to get the GPU acceleration for AL/ML? I switched from rtx 3080 to 7900xtx, the gaming experience is great (PC recognizes it and runs with it well, eGPU also has enough power budget) but now I like to try some coding.

I followed the online info. like Phazer Tech - Engineering, Projects, Guides, Tutorials & Music, but encounter with:

  • amdgpu-pro 20.45 amdgpu-dkms fails/error
  • ROCk module is NOT loaded, possibly no GPU devices

I have been searching everywhere and find little talk about my situation (I know my setting may be quite strange and eGPU is not ideal for leveraging the full power of the card, but eGPU is currently what I prefer to go for.



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