I know you're out there, thinking about those few parts you have laying around and then there is all that cash just taking up space in your wallet. Why not build something unique this go around, like a computer within a desktop?
Do you have some ideas to share with your fellow modders? Maybe a sketch of your design or a discussion of what parts you have on hand now....and what you might be willing to buy.
Nothing like watching the 1's and 0's move around your cables...
I will be doing a march build. I ordered a bunch of parts that should all be here by tomorrow and I will post something. I am short only two parts and am in the process of figuring out a way to get those two parts and I could have this finished this weekend. Looking more like a couple weeks though.
I have enough of everything to do a am4 build right now but I am over am4 and going new gen for just about everything with this build.
I'm looking forward to seeing what you come up with. Do you have a theme, like St. Patrick's Day perhaps?
I know there are lots of modders out there. Let's see some of your ideas for a March build.
Picked up a 360 and 240 Bykski Res. These are pretty sweet and are going to look nice in my build.
That's a lot of pipe connections.
There is another 8 holes in the 240 rad. Overkill and future-proof for other builds.
I am going to build the first pc for and with my 9-year-old stepson during the Easter holidays. If I don't forget, we will take pictures.
A father / stepson project is a good way to bond. Teach him to be careful with tools.
@Dragokar That sounds Awesome! I tried it with my son a couple times, but he never really cared about the build part. He just wanted to play on it.
Well, I teach him as good as I can and to be as versatile as he wants to be. He already knows the concept of good treatment of goods, not only the own ones.
Just wasn't that easy to get all the party, especially the entry GPU market is kinda empty. I know the RX6600 is really good, but it was over budget, sadly.