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Adept I

это 7950 x или нет?

чего то не хватаетчего то не хватает

7 Replies
Adept I

продавец говорит что это типа оригинальный процессор я в этом засомневался


Volunteer Moderator

You are taking a static electricity risk by placing that CPU directly on a carpet.  It could be damaged already just from that.

As Albert Einstein said, "I could have done so much more with a Big Al's Computer!".
Volunteer Moderator

My earlier reply seems to have disappeared.  I responded to your question about whether that CPU is a real one or a fake.  It looks real, except that it says 'made in China'.  My 7800X3D says 'made in Malaysia'.  I might have seen AMD CPUs that said 'made in Taiwan' but I don't remember seeing 'made in China' before.


As Albert Einstein said, "I could have done so much more with a Big Al's Computer!".
Adept I

Привет там странность не только в надписях,на текстолите процессора в верхней части не хватает контактных площадок как у оригинальных 7950 X если сравнить различия бросаются в глаза настоящийнастоящийподделкаподделка 

Volunteer Moderator


Hello, there is a strange thing not only in the inscriptions, on the processor PCB in the upper part there are not enough contact pads like the original 7950 X, if you compare the differences are striking

Yes, something is fishy about that CPU.  Did you end up buying it?  If so, have you tried using it with an AM5 socket motherboard? 

As Albert Einstein said, "I could have done so much more with a Big Al's Computer!".

ПРивет,я собираю комп по частям и материнку ещё не купил ,поэтому нет не проверял я нашёл такого же мутанта на али экспресс .

Volunteer Moderator

Keep posting here as you get more parts for the build.  We are all interested if that CPU is the real thing or a fake.

As Albert Einstein said, "I could have done so much more with a Big Al's Computer!".