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Radeon ProRender Discussion

Journeyman III

ProRender for Cinema 4D

Hello, I'm new to the forum. I would like to know if there is any way to update via plug-in ProRender in C4D R21 which Maxon has poorly implemented and is now old.

1 Reply

As I understand it, C4D support for  ProRender was implemented by Maxon and they have discontinued use.  There is no source code for a plugin on the github page AFAIK so building for a later version of C4D isn't an option.

The good news is that you can use the latest ProRender version as a hydra delegate in C4D using USD.

I don't know much about how well that works as I use the traditional plugin on Maya.  I had used USD with hydra-delegates in the early days of USD support in maya but I didn't like it, however 3D applications have much better support for USD now.