Hi All,
I'm testing RPR plugin for Houdini / Solaris. I'm really excited to see this product. Thank you for sharing this !
I've a question about varying primvars.
I've been trying to find a way to map an arbitrary attribute (I tried both point and prim attributes) to a primvar and use it to drive a shade parameters.
I succeeded with Karma and MtlX using the node MtlX Geometry Property Value, but I can't seem to find the RPR specific node to import a primvars.
When I try to render the same MtlX network mentioned above with RPR the prim var is not read at all.
I found the node RPR Value Lookup , but this node is locked to specific variables. I'm trying to import an arbitrary one.
On this page (https://www.amd.com/en/technologies/radeon-prorender-houdini) , under the Rendering Feature I read
- *NEW* Support for Varying or Vertex primitive variables has been added.
But I can't seem to find a way to get it working, and most probably I'm missing something obvious.
Can anyone point me in the right direction ?
Thank you in advance