Regarding Threadripper 1950X. Is the following true?.....After carefully analyzing the first generation of AMD Zen processors in partnership with AMD, together we concluded that there are no additions to the supported CPU list."
If that is true AMD is sending the message to only use Intell cpu's from now on if you want to be able to upgrade Windows 😞
It means, buy new cpu if you want win 11. Makes sense somehow.
Yes It only make sence if to buy a Intel based build if you want to be able to upgrade Windows in the future.
IMO Intel and Microsoft neither deserve your money ... nor your respect.
If any 1st Gen Threadripper user feels dissapointment about Windows 11 support should jump to Linux or buy an used 2nd Gen Threadripper.
You seams to ignor the fact that AMD seams to have agree to scrap the Windows11 support for Threadripper 19XX
Your late to the party, it was decided over a year ago.
Thank you goodplay.
So it is confirmed that AMD approved to scrap the Windows 11 support for Threadripper 19XX, that was all I needed to know.