I've built a PC (R7 5800X/ Nvidia RTX 3080) some time ago, it booted fine, but it kept crashing in more demanding applications like games and benchmarks, sometimes with blue screen, sometimes just rebboted and event viewer showed WHEA Logger events 46 and 18 (one or the other). I've sent it to a repair shop, but they were unable to find the cause of the issue. I've swapped the PSU for more powerful one, disabled DOCP and ReBar in BIOS and I was able to play Cyberpunk for 2 hours and run furmark for 30 minutes with no issues, but some time later it happened again in FIFA, it didn't happen for a few days and now it happened again. I checked the last minidump file and looks like this:
15: kd> !analyze -v
* *
* Bugcheck Analysis *
* *
A fatal hardware error has occurred. Parameter 1 identifies the type of error
source that reported the error. Parameter 2 holds the address of the
nt!_WHEA_ERROR_RECORD structure that describes the error condition. Try !errrec Address of the nt!_WHEA_ERROR_RECORD structure to get more details.
Arg1: 0000000000000000, Machine Check Exception
Arg2: ffffb50434434028, Address of the nt!_WHEA_ERROR_RECORD structure.
Arg3: 00000000bc000800, High order 32-bits of the MCi_STATUS value.
Arg4: 0000000001010135, Low order 32-bits of the MCi_STATUS value.
Debugging Details:
*** ***
*** ***
*** Either you specified an unqualified symbol, or your debugger ***
*** doesn't have full symbol information. Unqualified symbol ***
*** resolution is turned off by default. Please either specify a ***
*** fully qualified symbol module!symbolname, or enable resolution ***
*** of unqualified symbols by typing ".symopt- 100". Note that ***
*** enabling unqualified symbol resolution with network symbol ***
*** server shares in the symbol path may cause the debugger to ***
*** appear to hang for long periods of time when an incorrect ***
*** symbol name is typed or the network symbol server is down. ***
*** ***
*** For some commands to work properly, your symbol path ***
*** must point to .pdb files that have full type information. ***
*** ***
*** Certain .pdb files (such as the public OS symbols) do not ***
*** contain the required information. Contact the group that ***
*** provided you with these symbols if you need this command to ***
*** work. ***
*** ***
*** Type referenced: hal!_WHEA_MEMORY_ERROR_SECTION ***
*** ***
*** ***
*** ***
*** Either you specified an unqualified symbol, or your debugger ***
*** doesn't have full symbol information. Unqualified symbol ***
*** resolution is turned off by default. Please either specify a ***
*** fully qualified symbol module!symbolname, or enable resolution ***
*** of unqualified symbols by typing ".symopt- 100". Note that ***
*** enabling unqualified symbol resolution with network symbol ***
*** server shares in the symbol path may cause the debugger to ***
*** appear to hang for long periods of time when an incorrect ***
*** symbol name is typed or the network symbol server is down. ***
*** ***
*** For some commands to work properly, your symbol path ***
*** must point to .pdb files that have full type information. ***
*** ***
*** Certain .pdb files (such as the public OS symbols) do not ***
*** contain the required information. Contact the group that ***
*** provided you with these symbols if you need this command to ***
*** work. ***
*** ***
*** Type referenced: hal!_WHEA_MEMORY_ERROR_SECTION ***
*** ***
Key : Analysis.CPU.mSec
Value: 1812
Key : Analysis.DebugAnalysisManager
Value: Create
Key : Analysis.Elapsed.mSec
Value: 7476
Key : Analysis.IO.Other.Mb
Value: 6
Key : Analysis.IO.Read.Mb
Value: 0
Key : Analysis.IO.Write.Mb
Value: 27
Key : Analysis.Init.CPU.mSec
Value: 1483
Key : Analysis.Init.Elapsed.mSec
Value: 200278
Key : Analysis.Memory.CommitPeak.Mb
Value: 123
Key : Bugcheck.Code.DumpHeader
Value: 0x124
Key : Bugcheck.Code.Register
Value: 0x124
Key : Dump.Attributes.AsUlong
Value: 1008
Key : Dump.Attributes.DiagDataWrittenToHeader
Value: 1
Key : Dump.Attributes.ErrorCode
Value: 0
Key : Dump.Attributes.KernelGeneratedTriageDump
Value: 1
Key : Dump.Attributes.LastLine
Value: Dump completed successfully.
Key : Dump.Attributes.ProgressPercentage
Value: 0
FILE_IN_CAB: 020423-11593-01.dmp
Kernel Generated Triage Dump
BUGCHECK_P2: ffffb50434434028
BUGCHECK_P3: bc000800
BUGCHECK_P4: 1010135
BLACKBOXBSD: 1 (!blackboxbsd)
BLACKBOXNTFS: 1 (!blackboxntfs)
BLACKBOXPNP: 1 (!blackboxpnp)
ffffdb00`9fc9b938 fffff801`298f473b : 00000000`00000124 00000000`00000000 ffffb504`34434028 00000000`bc000800 : nt!KeBugCheckEx
ffffdb00`9fc9b940 fffff801`281810c0 : 00000000`00000000 ffffdb00`9fc9ba19 ffffb504`34434028 ffffb504`3195b2d0 : nt!HalBugCheckSystem+0xeb
ffffdb00`9fc9b980 fffff801`299feabf : 00000000`00000000 ffffdb00`9fc9ba19 ffffb504`34434028 1053f46d`1c13f469 : PSHED!PshedBugCheckSystem+0x10
ffffdb00`9fc9b9b0 fffff801`298f616a : ffffb504`38463900 ffffb504`38463900 ffffb504`3195b320 fffff801`297bf74a : nt!WheaReportHwError+0x38f
ffffdb00`9fc9ba80 fffff801`298f65b5 : 00000000`0000000f ffffb504`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 : nt!HalpMcaReportError+0xb2
ffffdb00`9fc9bbf0 fffff801`298f6454 : ffffb504`31961b40 d27bc3de`00000000 ffffdb00`9fc9be00 7644efb0`00000000 : nt!HalpMceHandlerCore+0x12d
ffffdb00`9fc9bc50 fffff801`298f58e6 : ffffb504`31961b40 ffffdb00`9fc9bef0 00000000`00000000 54e6ed71`58a6ed75 : nt!HalpMceHandler+0xe0
ffffdb00`9fc9bc90 fffff801`298f807b : ffffb504`31961b40 d0e1e4dd`dca1e4d9 d3e953ff`dfa953fb e8d9c15f`e499c15b : nt!HalpHandleMachineCheck+0x96
ffffdb00`9fc9bcc0 fffff801`2995adf9 : 4fee5a13`43ae5a17 74dec8b3`789ec8b7 c97374bc`c53374b8 f243e61c`fe03e618 : nt!HalHandleMcheck+0x3b
ffffdb00`9fc9bcf0 fffff801`2983ad3e : 55747d50`59347d54 6e44eff0`6204eff4 6d4c58d2`610c58d6 567cca72`5a3cca76 : nt!KiHandleMcheck+0x9
ffffdb00`9fc9bd20 fffff801`2983a953 : 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 ffffdb00`9fc9bef0 : nt!KxMcheckAbort+0x7e
ffffdb00`9fc9be60 00000001`440b3179 : 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 : nt!KiMcheckAbort+0x2d3
00000000`c1f7f490 00000000`00000000 : 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 : 0x00000001`440b3179
IMAGE_NAME: AuthenticAMD.sys
STACK_COMMAND: .cxr; .ecxr ; kb
OSNAME: Windows 10
FAILURE_ID_HASH: {b0905187-9dbc-d607-4dc5-8630b9eddb7f}
Followup: MachineOwner