Hi, Recently retired with time on my hands! I have an old Samsung Notebook from 2012 with 8Gb RAM, 500GB SSD and an A6-4400M APU fitted onto an FS1 socket. Radeon HD graphics, 2.7GHz (2 cores). So all in all a good working Notebook for my purposes; i.e. email, internet browsing and shopping and domestic excel spreadsheets and word. I have no need for Powerpoint and all the other wizz-bang features and it will definitely not be used for gaming.
Unfortunately it will not run Windows 11 fully supported (although it does run an unsupported version of windows 11 currently). Anyway, whilst I don't have a lot of money I have plenty of time so I would like to know if I can upgrade this with a "better" cpu that meets my needs or Microsoft's needs? I have taken it apart and have loads of pictures and serial numbers etc. if anyone needs more information.
It is a Samsung Notebook Model NP355V5C-A05UK which I use as a back-up to my desktop when I am away from home. The BIOS is P01 805D. If I am able to get a newer CPU will I need to do anything with the BIOS? The BIOS is my area of concern as I have never had anything to do with that and wouldn't know where to start.
Any advice would be gratefully appreciated. I know the most sensible thing to do is to simply purchase a new laptop but I hate the throwaway society at the best of times and even if I could afford it I am not sure I would want o go down that route. Hope this makes sense to you.