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PC Processors

Journeyman III

Still no RMA approval about to call consumer protection !!!

So over a week has passed and 3 calls later and 1 reply after 4 work days asking me yet about more information regarding my non functional Ryzen 5950x when everything was told when I opened the first ticket (number is 8201023788) I still am where I was at the beginning. Mind you close to another 3 days have passed and I'm still waiting for a second reply from tech support.

IS THIS A JOKE ?!? What is it with this horrible customer support ? I have never ever experienced something like that once. Can someone from AMD around here like @Matt_AMD please approve my RMA request already so I can send the **bleep** thing in ? I need this CPU for work and can't afford to be much longer without it. If I don't hear back from some AMD employee by tomorrow around here or via email then I'll make sure to call consumer protection in my country or my lawyer for withholding my warranty rights.




17 Replies
Journeyman III

Nearly forgot that but here are the newest ticket numbers in case you need them: 8201026854 and 8201026863


The first 30 days are handled by the retailer, so you should have went through them.

High demand product so the retailer had no stock which is why I contacted AMD directly since they usually have some backed up for warranty claims like every company should.


Unfortunately I'm having the same issue about them being unresponsive even on a CPU bought directly on ... considering calling customer protection services too as I don't even have another option/third party I bought from to turn to


Where do you guys live? I'm from europe , also trying to get a RMA and I'm asking myself if it would go faster to send it back to the vendor and get my money back.

@tatane wrote:

Unfortunately I'm having the same issue about them being unresponsive even on a CPU bought directly on ... considering calling customer protection services too as I don't even have another option/third party I bought from to turn to



@Juliangom33 Germany here and yeah sending it back to the vendor would probably be the fastest option for you right now. As for me I need this thing so I have no other option but going the AMD route......... 😞



Me too Germany.

Sending it to the vendor has some downsides tho.

1st i would have to pay for the shippment which is apperently very expensive even though it's a  small package.

2nd I would get my money back that I paid (350 euros) but then I would have to buy a new one , which are 1. Out of stock atm and 2. Even more expensive now than 350 euro.

@JohnboyXYZ wrote:

@Juliangom33 Germany here and yeah sending it back to the vendor would probably be the fastest option for you right now. As for me I need this thing so I have no other option but going the AMD route......... 😞




Also , did you write them in german (on the rma request) or in english?

I did in german and I might have  feeling it may take longer than if i would have choosen in english.

@Juliangom33 wrote:

Me too Germany.

Sending it to the vendor has some downsides tho.

1st i would have to pay for the shippment which is apperently very expensive even though it's a  small package.

2nd I would get my money back that I paid (350 euros) but then I would have to buy a new one , which are 1. Out of stock atm and 2. Even more expensive now than 350 euro.

@JohnboyXYZ wrote:

@Juliangom33 Germany here and yeah sending it back to the vendor would probably be the fastest option for you right now. As for me I need this thing so I have no other option but going the AMD route......... 😞





I'm in France and if I had the option I'd likely send it back to reseller and get something from team blue instead ... at least they're known to treat that kind of issue pretty fast when it arises and even offer cross shipping as the default option.

Having the best performing CPU is only useful if it can perform, mine's just a 900€ very light paperweight so far ... 


I would have done that but sadly I already have my B550 motherboard bought and installed and it would be a shame to lose money on that one too...


Well, the BBB or consumer protection, whatever, would probably lengthen the time for said RMA. AMD is slow, like slug slow, so if you can return to the vendor, do it. AMD doesn't care about legal threats either. They have more money and attorneys than any of us.

That said, you could probably use a 3950X and sell it when the 5000 series are more plentiful. Are you sure it's defective? I'm sure you've gone through troubleshooting but things can be overlooked. I imagine you put this in a new mobo. Is that boards BIOS flashed to accept the 5000 series? Some are, some aren't pre-flashed, even if they "claim" to be. Because to RMA that and wait an awful long time for a replacement, be sure it's defective. Thinking AMD has this stock pile of CPU's for warranty issues is much like the a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow, not there. If you have an AsRock board, there's your problem. That I can assure you.

"It worked before you broke it!"

Yea tried different mobos , pc s and all that , same problem , thinking of sending my mobo and cpu to the vendor , getting my money back , and going intel again.
I see you saying they are slow but on reddit there are alot of people saying they had a very good experience with AMD RMA. Like everything went fast and smooth.

They must be paid actors, lmao! In fact, with electronics, I don't think any RMA be it RAM, mobo, GPU never CPU(yet), has always been at least 3 weeks on the short side. 6-8 is more realistic.

I feel ya with the poor customer support vs. Intel, you can call an 800 number and talk to a tech for hours, have an RMA in your email in minutes if need be. However, if you go Intel, you'll be needing to get the i9 10900K to come close to AMD's performance. The CPU is cheaper but then you need a decent LGA 1200 board.

Time is your enemy it seems. That's why I said possibly a 3950X for now, never said it would be "productive" other than you could start working sooner.

I looked on Fleabay just now and yep, the 3950X at $530(used) or so is more than half the cost of that 5950X going for around `$1400(new).

UserBench performance comparison, the 3950X is about 6000 lower overall score to the 5950X. I can't belive that AMD would sell a $1k+ CPU and let it be a DOA. Unreal, I would personally walk away if I had you experience.

"It worked before you broke it!"

"UserBench performance comparison, the 3950X is about 6000 lower overall score to the 5950X. I can't belive that AMD would sell a $1k+ CPU and let it be a DOA. Unreal, I would personally walk away if I had you experience."

Exactly my point... 

Don't get me wrong, lemons happen and I'd even be more patient if only AMD would not leave us in the dark there ...

This kinda leave me thinking about only two possible options : 

- AMD really don't give a flying one about customers once they have their money (which their NPS score estimation seem to suggest : )

- These CPUs are having so many issues that the number of recent posts about rma I can see on this forum is merely the tip of a huge iceberg currently hitting amd's support hard

In both case, it really doesn't give me a warm feeling about joining the amd ship on this gen 😕 


@mackbolan777Mind telling me why Asrock is the problem here cause I have the X570 Taichi newest BIOS flashed which worked perfectly fine with another CPU and RAM, SSD's and the graphics card all were recognized just fine in windows as the PC shop that built it for me demonstrated and yes the RAM was swapped with some other from a different producer and yes it was downclocked from 3600 Mhz to 3200 Mhz and even 3000 Mhz I think with XMP off and both the timings and voltage set manually according to what is suggested for this certain RAM.

A CMOS clear was done as well and all components were readjusted. Only thing that couldn't be done is switching the mainboard since they didn't have a compatible one with the newest BIOS in the shop which I don't think would have helped much anyway since the Taichi was indeed able to recognize another CPU just fine (think it was the 5400+ but I'm not sure) . Moreover can't we as paying customers expect those things to just work out of the box without spending hours in the BIOS switching settings left and right once a compatible version is applied to the mainboard ?

Those are my parts btw (german description added) . PC is needed for work but also gaming:

Fractal Design Define 7 XL Black Dark TG Big-Tower - getöntes Tempered Glass, gedämmt, schwarz
GeForce RTX 3090 FTW3 Ultra Gaming, 24576 MB GDDR6X
AMD Ryzen 9 5950X, Prozessor (boxed)
ASRock X570 Taichi, AMD X570-Mainboard - Sockel AM4
G.Skill Trident Z Neo Series, DDR4-3600, CL16 - 32 GB Dual-Kit
G.Skill Trident Z Neo Series, DDR4-3600, CL16 - 32 GB Dual-Kit
Samsung 970 Evo Plus NVMe SSD, PCIe 3.0 M.2 Typ 2280 - 1 TB
Samsung 980 PRO 1 TB, SSD PCIe Gen 4.0 x4, NVMe 1.3c, intern
Samsung 980 PRO 1 TB, SSD PCIe Gen 4.0 x4, NVMe 1.3c, intern
Seasonic Prime Ultra 80 PLUS Platinum Netzteil, modular - 1000 Watt
be quiet! Dark Rock Pro 4 CPU-Kühler - 135mm

EDIT: Nearly forgot to mention but my problem is the same as with many others I found on the web so far. Constant bootloops preventing the PC to get into windows and from the overall reports on this issue I'm certainly not the only one 😞 . AMD certainly would have done better to delay this release until proper quality control can be assured.





The VRM's are garbage on AsRock's. The Taiichi looks like they beefed up the VRM but AsRock just blows in overall quality and support. Yes, I agree we should not need to spend hours in the friggin BIOS setting the RAM because AsRock can't make a BIOS. I had to spend 3-4 months emailing AsRock support, AMD, and TeamForce about why my advertised, supported 3733 RAM wouldn't boot over 2400mhz. I finally got to run at every setting up to 3600mhz. Then out of the blue, I think July, AsRock came out with a new BIOS. They didn't email me, I found it on a fluke. The release notes claimed it added more RAM support. It did for one Corsair kit! However, it worked for me to manually set my RAM to 3733 finally. 20+ years building PC's with 98% AMD's and never had this much trouble, ever! Now it tosses code 41's and CPU codes due to voltage issues not PSU related. I built a killer Intel with a Nvidia 1080i GTX in 2018, never had an issue, it got stolen but that was it. New board or back to Intel next month. Not an AsRock either, lol. I had one of their 1150 boards smoke a RAM slot for no reason and had to RMA it. They just build junk. Polished turds now too.

Also, AsRock doesn't like 64GB very much for some reason, let alone anything over 16GB. Probably more of their nonsense BIOS or power delivery. I would strap a Corsair H110i GTX on that 5950X for sure. 240mm AIO, 360mm's not as effective for some reason, tests show.

"It worked before you broke it!"

In the case your depicting (as in AMD doesn't care about any legal action or customers complaining here), the only kind of action we can take is vote with our hard earned money ...

In which case getting a 3950x to sell it when it costs nothing anymore is just the most counter-productive thing that can be done as a customer, that's just sending a signal to amd that they can ignore us and we'll just keep throwing even more money at them for doing so ... I'd rather re-sell my x570 mobo and loose 50€ then give 800€ more to amd to congratulate them for having the worst customer service ever