Hey Guys,
I am pretty keen with hardware and thought that maybe my processor curve could be "optimized" with Ryzen Master.
So I know that AUTO OC could potentially not be for a 24/7 stable system.
BUT I thought well if i leave the OC to default and just run the 'curve optimizer' i would be okay.
I picked curve optimizer per core and let it run.
I got a blue screen of death during running it but i thought that it was just maxing out my cores. So it restarted and continued with its test.
BUT TLDR version... it created instability and blue screen of death later on when not even stressing the system.
I believe that if you want true stability its best to stay away from the optimizers and auto oc's.
Hopefully i don't have any serious damage to my cpu. I have turned off the curve optimizer so far and will see if i get another BSOD.
Radeon 5900x
x370 gaming k7
32gb ram 3200mhz