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PC Processors

Adept II

Ryzen linux kernel bug 196683 - Random Soft Lockup

I have Ryzen 7 1800X, ASUS Prime X370-PRO, running Fedora 26 and 27.

The damn thing has not worked properly since I bought it.

My first CPU was RMA'd, and the replacement does not appear to suffer from the SEGV fault.

However, both the original and the replacement CPU both crash regularly:

  * occasionally with streams of "watchdog: BUG: soft lockup" events being logged,

  * but mostly the system just stops and I can find no logging that tells me why.

At I find bug 196683, where a "workaround" is suggested:

1) kernel configured:  CONFIG_RCU_NOCB_CPU=y

2) kernel command-line:  rcu-nocbs=0-15

But with kernel 4.14.18-300.fc27 I find the machine has stopped over night (when it is idle), every two or three days.

I have added kernel command-line "processor.max_cstate=5", which may help with the crashes, but (I assume) not with the electricity bill 😞

Does anybody understand what the real fault is ?  A "workaround" is all very well, but not entirely satisfactory.  It's not as if this is a new device any more.

122 Replies
Adept I

The rcu_nocbs=0-23 and processor.max_cstate=5 boot line options completely stopped all crashing in linux mint 19.2 on my threadripper gen 2 new build. I was going nutz.


Did your run ruspartisan's docker?

Journeyman III

I stumbled upon this post when I was experiencing this issue on my Ryzen 7 1800x. Crazy that it is 2020 and this problem is still here, years after the initial post

Was running Debian 10 Stretch, then switched to Ubuntu Server 18.04.4 LTS.

Random Kernel Panic's, and CPU Timeouts, or System would lock up entirely and not even display a screen. Happened once every few days, then happened several times over a 24 hour period.

MSI 450i AC Gaming motherboard, updated to latest BIOS. Didn't fix it.

Turned on the "Typicle Idle" setting in the BIOS as suggested here, and have had no crashes for the last 7 days since the BIOS setting change.

Didn't get to try the script, have it on my system ready to go if needed though.