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PC Processors

Adept I

Ryzen 9 5950x Running at 74c, Is this a safe Temperature?

I have paired a new Ryzen 9 5950x with an Asus Crosshair viii hero, but I am suffering really high temperatures. at idle the processor is running at 75C.   Under very light load goes up to 80C

I have tried lot of things and just for clarity I am very experienced in building machines (over 25 years). 

I used a Corsair 100i platinum cooler and after several attempts to cool ( 4 reseats using 3 different CPU thermal pastes) I came initially to the conclusion it was the cooler at fault. 

Wanting to use I bit the bullet and bought a replacement cooler a Kraken X73, I installed and net result was  1C cooler i.e. 74C.  So not the cooler but something else!

I did some searching online to discover others have been having a similar issue multiple motherboards, I found some suggestions to help which were to switch my board into an eco mode (which did nothing) the next suggestion was to disable boosting (which kind of cripples the chip) , this I did and now see temperatures in the region of 45C. I don't know where the problem lies exactly, but if several manufactures are seeing then it kind of points to an AMD issue with the Chip or something they have supplied to the board manufacturers. After days of building and then re-applying the coolers I do feel a little cheated. I tried raising with ASUS but because I registered my motherboard for cash back it is saying the serial number is already registered so cannot raise a support case. I coming on here hoping that someone can give some advice and maybe someone from AMD can help.   


663 Replies


Does that means with spikes or without spikes? Because here those we mentioned about these temps, we noticed spikes. So this text you read from AMD it makes you feel safe to run daily your CPU at 95c?

And if there spikes, what is gonna happen in time?


Never seen 95c on my CPU. 


And why are you here then? The people that are here have seen it. Some have also seen 100c. Why are you here if you don’t have this issue? Just asking.


I changed platform and went from seeing Socket temps, to seeing Tjunctions temps, so I was surprised and admittedly I thought the values were high. Can't you tell from my earlier posts?.

I then decided to investigate and found the information I needed to objectively assess that nothing's wrong with my CPU and it's operating exactly as it should. 

After that, I've just been entertaining myself with the two of you 😃


Trek, just give up mate. There are literally thousands of people at this moment reporting this issue. And because of people like you, AMD will delay the fix, because they have people like you happy with anything they throw at you. Have some pride man, you payed almost 1k for a CPU, you should fight for it working well. Or you didn’t Trek? Are you with them, Trek? Are you AMD? Tell us your secret 😂



Where is that? Can you provide me the link to see if the frequency of your CPU is in that log? In the photo you posted I read all and watched the photo and its values. But it doesn't show anything about the frequency. If I missed any other post of you regarding this, enlighten me please to see it then.


No. Look for it. 



No need. Because you just gave me the answer that you are probably trolling or lying about it. Otherwise we would see already the frequency.

Besides in the hw monitor screenshot you posted, frequencies are there too, but you didn't include them and only showed temps and voltage.

Good for us, voltage values confirmed that you were getting a screenshot with a CPU of 4.1 to 4.5GHz probably and with a stable frequency without auto boost. Otherwise voltage wouldn't be just 1.0 something v.

At least now we know. If I am mistaken you can enlighten me any time as I mentioned before.

Be happy with your 4GHz frequency and disabled auto boost too. At least is the best until motherboard manufacturers or AMD ll fix this. And I mean it.



What a failure you are. You're referring to a post I've never even made. I've never posted a HW Info screenshot in this thread 🤦‍:male_sign:



Haha. Am I failure? You are the failure one and probably the altscheimer guy one. So let me remind the failure post of Trek. Check the photo bellow. My mistake saying it was from you. But what can you say about that?


You are trying to make us all fool here by your lies. I am even wondering if you have a 5950x.

And regarding your previous post that you entertainment with two of us. Let me answer on that too.


And I am entertainment myself with you and and your lies. Because it's fun when you look so afraid to show your CPU frequency and its temps in much load even if you never posted a photo 😂 At least now others know about you and your air information instead of showing a photo.

But still if I am wrong you can always show me and I get my words back.

Until then, feel the amazing entertainment of your 5950x (if that's the CPU) that you paid 900 bucks for it and you are using it with 1GHz lower just to keep it cool 😂




Oh my god you're such a loser. You can't even tell the difference between a QUOTED post and a post made by the original person LMFAO xD

... and yet you fancy yourself qualified to opine on the technical operation of a highly complex CPU. OK, this just made my day - thanks for the laugh xD



Read my whole post. I said I was mistaken it was your post. But I don't see you saying anything about trek's post. You are covering him because you both have the same love for AMD right?

Show us how great is your CPU then by posting a photo with full load, auto boost enabled, temps and frequencies.

If not, it means you are not happy too and you are just trolling here because probably it's tough to accept that you paid 900 bucks and the product you get, sucks right? 



I did, but you're too stupid to find it. 

And yeah, as I already stated to you, I am enjoying my whole system immensely 🙂 you'd be too if you weren't - well, you.



No, only with you. Suck a lemon 🙂


Hi all, this thread kind of spun out of control. Sorry for wall of text, just thought this was interesting and could add to the thread.

I've been on other forums the last week trying various things without much success i'm sorry to say. Just as a refresher, i'm the guy with the dual 360 rads connected to the 5950x only (waiting on my GPU waterblock).

Something i did notice is my clocks don't seem to match AMDs advertising. 4.9 is what's on the box, however i've never seen clocks higher than 4.7 (forced to run on best cores using affinity) with and without PBO.

Reason i'm talking clocks now are due to a call i just had with a AMD representative (figured it couldn't hurt with a call). Super nice techie guy who's also doing custom watercooling on his Ryzen 9 systems.

I told him first about my (and others i've seen online) temperature issues. As mentioned, over the last week or so i've tried so many different things. And with exessive BIOS tweaking i managed to get down to around 40-45c idle. However i reset bios and ryzen master to default prior to the phone call. So 55-60c idle, 80-90c load, with two 360 rads.

He agreed that was high, but said with PBO enable (said it's enabled by default) you must expect higher temps. Fine.

So i asked about the clock frequency. Why am i not seeing higher clocks than 4.7 with or without PBO enabled? Two 360 rads are surely enough for PBO to stretch its legs no?

He said it's due the temperature restraints.
What? I did not really understand this. PBO is meant to trade performance for higher heat. I'm getting higher heat but not performance. He's telling me PBO is not boosting in single core workloads because temps are too high, and 2 360, 45mm thick radiators are not enough?

He then said every CPU is different, some will perform worse or better than others. Fine.

So i then told him about my flatmate, with a 5950x on aircooling, getting better temps and performance than me. I told him we also swapped CPUs with the same result. My CPU in his system had lower temps, better performance. His CPU in my system, same high temps and lower performance. (Also in BIOS his temps are much lower).

He could not really answer this, but was very interested. Instead of palming it off a motherboard/asus issue (which i appreciate), told me to disable PBO, run cinabench single and multi thread test and send him my numbers, along with voltages and peak core boosts. 

I thought this was interesting. I talked to (what seems) a genuine guy who expressed interest in this issue. At least after telling him about the CPU swap.

I'll send him the info and let you guys know if he comes back with anything.




Yeah your issue definitely is genuine. quick question, do you see 16 or 32 threads in task manager?



I've tried pretty much everything mate. Right now i have all 16 cores, 32 threads enabled. I've tried disabling 1 CCD, hyperthreading, etc. My high temps persists.

Only way i can get temps down are changing settings that affects voltages. So curve optimizer, eco modes, even enabling PBO can actually lower idle temps.

I'm no expert, but it leads me to think some default bios value is just feeding the CPU too much voltage. As soon as some setting related to voltage or power changes, i get better temps, although i would not classify it as fixed.



You're right, with that setup you shouldn't be seeing those temps. I only asked due to my own experience. 

Apologies if I'm asking a question for something that you might have mentioned before, but, did you check the contact patch to the CPU?



No worries. I have not, as i don't really want to pull the entire custom loop apart.
But i have installed quite a few cpu coolers now over the years, and i took special care when installing this monoblock. Also, i had the CPU running on my Noctua before the monoblock arrived, and i saw the same (of course higher) temperature behaviour and reseated the cooler multiple times back then. Also my flatmate is not so into building computers, so i helped install his CPU and cooler.

Something i've mentioned in another thread, but not here.

Right after both me and flatmate recieved our 5950x and motherboards (both asus), first thing we did was testing out the AI tuner auto overclocking software (i know i know, it was just for fun).

If you're not familiar, it starts at a low clock/voltage and slowly builds it's way up.

Mine started at 1.35v, and got to 4.1ghz at 1.47v before i shut it off, it had reached 95c.
Flatmate started at 1.05v or something like that, and he got to 4.6ghz (can't remember the temp or voltage sorry) before he got impatient and cancelled the OC. 

This is when i thought he had won the silicon lottery (or i lost) and asked if we could swap to see if his chip was really that much better than mine.



I went back to your post:


I'm not running a AIO cooler, i'm running a full custom loop with 2 360mm radiators connected to the 5950x only (no other heat emitting sources connected to the loop). The two radiators have a cooling capacity of 1000w+.

When i see the 60c idle temp, the system is idling with 1-2% cpu utilization. On a cooling system with this much cooling capacity, you should see much lower temps.

Using HWinfo, i can clearly see the CPU being fed 1.35-1.45 volts in idle, this is where the issue is. It's generating a huge amount of heat because the motherboard is excessively feeding the CPU power.

To add to this, and to underline that something isn't right, please think about my flatmates scenario. He's also got a 5950x with a noctua NH15 (air cooler) connected. His idle temps are in the low 40s.

Again, we also swapped CPU's and he has the same low temps while mine have issues.

To further add to this, i am seeing the high idle temps and excessive voltage when i am in the BIOS. So not even booted into Windows, the motherboard is pushing high voltages."

I'm going to check my logs but I believe I'm getting somehow similar voltages coming through. If your idle is 60c, something is very wrong.

Can you PM me and we can share logs and I'll try to give you a hand, if you're interested.



I’m the same as you. I agree with the voltage statement. The same happens on mine. Please keep us posted with the AMD guy. I’m really curious.

Just stop arguing and let’s see how we can fix this. We all are experiencing the same issue as the new guy said. It’s the same thing, high voltages, lower performance, really high temps. Some people are explaining it differently, but it’s the same issue. 


I also wanted to add this.

On of my fav games atm is stormworks, check it out on steam if you haven't, it's cool!

Anywyas, after going from my 9900k to 5950x, performance dropped significantly. I started looking in to it, and raised a ticket on their issues page.

I've been in contact with someone from their team, troubleshooting the issues over the past few days. Eventually we found out it is the LUA script performance causing issues.
Only seen a couple other Ryzen 9 owners complaining about poor performance in this game, so i assumed it was not optimized for the new CPUs.

However, the guy from the Stormworks team wrote me this last night:

Can you check what chipset driver version you have? Found another guy with 5950X and there are no such issue for him. So I think it's maybe only with some boards/drivers (his version is

On MSI X570 board


I checked, and latest chipset driver available for my board on Asus support page is
Found a autoupdater on AMD's support page (checking drivers for the 5950x only gives you Ryzen Master) and it updated my chipset to, not quite as high as the MSI board.

Unfortunately made no changes to the game's performance.
I don't know if this is relevant, but it certainly adds to my suspicion something isn't quite right here. (Had my poor flatmate test StormWorks as well, he also has poor performance).



Hi and welcome too. As you understand new users join frequently here by having the high temps issues.

From the other side we are lucky to have another guy like you that uses 2 custom loop for cooling the CPU and unfortunately the temps are going still too high.

That means you are another proof that something's wrong here. I had also sent to AMD support and they answered "90-95 are fine temps for 5950x".

But we are getting spikes and that's not fine right?

We are still not sure if the problem caused by AMD or motherboards so we have to wait for further updates of BIOS, AGESA or AMD chipset drivers.

Until then I would suggest you to run the CPU in lower frequencies. You can use a BIOS TPU setting 1 or 2, enable CPPC, CPPC Preferred Cores, Global C State and efficiency mode.

This ll keep auto boost inactive and you ll probably have a stable frequency of 4 to 4.1 GHz. But at least it ll be cooler in max load probably.

Hope we can find something else to help the situation ASAP.





Looking at my logs, when idle my voltages are dancing between 0.944 to 1.031



Once I load the CPU, any load, not necessarily full load, it goes straight to 1.475 with 1.456 being the most constant value (by eye) in an R23 multi core run.



Interesting. My dance is more in the 1.3 to 1.47v at idle, but keep in mind i see these numbers in BIOS as well, just to rule out any pesky windows processes hogging CPU.



I haven't tried that game unfortunately, did a quick check and found you on reddit :). I haven't got the game unfortunately 😕



I can send you my log file, that way you can compare directly. We could also run simultaneous tests and compare. 

What board and BIOS are you on?


Hi @Ero_Sennin 

Thanks for the recommendations. I'll keep that in mind and i have indeed tested with lower performance.

However my main issue is not necessarily the high temps (although it is annoying and i obviously would wish for lower temps), it's that i'm not getting the performance i payed for.

If i could at least see those magic 5.0ghz+ speeds we all saw from the reviews, i could justify the higher temps. But right now i'm not getting that, along with very high temps.

I'll keep at it though and try to find a solution. If not i'm afraid i might just RMA the board and CPU and get a Intel chip (i unfortunately had bad experience with my last Ryzen chip and ended up replacing that with the previously mentione i9-9900k).




That is effing bizarre, why would your CPU be on constant high volts?. Could you send me a HW Info `log?


@astrosquirrel can't quite figure out how to DM on this forum lol!

If not possible you can DM me on reddit as you sniffed me out there 🙂


Sure I'll try you on reddit. Here you seem to have disabled PMing as your name won't pop up. 

By the way, here's a quick and dirty run in the las few mins of idle.

DateTimeCPU (Tctl/Tdie) [°C]CPU Die (average) [°C]Virtual Memory Load [%]Physical Memory Used [MB]Physical Memory Available [MB]Physical Memory Load [%]Page File Usage [%]Core 0 VID [V]Core 1 VID [V]Core 2 VID [V]Core 3 VID [V]Core 4 VID [V]Core 5 VID [V]Core 6 VID [V]Core 7 VID [V]Core 8 VID [V]Core 9 VID [V]Core 10 VID [V]Core 11 VID [V]Core 12 VID [V]Core 13 VID [V]Core 14 VID [V]Core 15 VID [V]


Yeah I understand. And it makes sense. Definitely the max boost that 5950x can automatically get it's a 4.9GHz so let's say 5GHz.

By the way what motherboard your friend uses and which one are you using? And with which software you are trying to stress the CPU?

For example when I tried with the CPU Z the option Bench CPU and Stress CPU, the CPU was only running at a max clock of 4.2 (while I had everything in stock in BIOS on my Rog Strix X570 E Gaming.).

So I was wondering why is that and I tried another software. The CPU Mark aka Performance Test if I am not wrong.

There I could see in real time the CPU jumps from 3.4 to 4.6, 4.7 and 4.97GHz that is how it supposed to work according to AMD mentioning frequency boost values.

Did you try with this software? If not, you could give a try. Also you may check if your BIOS in auto settings have a limit of the CPU temperature lower than 90-95 or a max clock limit etc.

You could also try another BIOS version. Like the most recent or a previous one. But always carefully.


I get the same 1.3-1.4 voltages in bios. If I leave everything stock, I get 55c idle. I have to keep my cpu with core boost performance off now to manage to do my work rendering stuff. I tried to keep it in stock settings while I was doing this but the temps from the CPU made my liquid temps creep up to 60c, in 15c ambient. I’m not ok with that.



Weird. Either I'm looking at it wrong, or then we can see a massive difference in voltages, at least at idle. You got PM.



Hey dude, we went through a whole 4 hour troubleshooting session with @spykezap last night (great guy by the way). We observed some really weird behaviour on his CPU, particularly high voltages in idle which then go DOWN when loading the CPU. Completely the opposite to mine.

Would you be able to do an R23 run, and log it with HWInfo?




Yeah, I’ll do it today.


How do you PM on this forum, I have no idea.


Just talked with a tech from AMD. He’s experiencing the same issue😂😂😂 I need to complete a form now with some screenshots. He told me they get calls everyday about this issue and are sure that the mobo manufacturer’s are at fault, in my case ASUS. I don’t know what to say about that. On the bright side, he acknowledged that that is not normal behaviour. It is in spec, but not normal behaviour and he’s trying to fix his for weeks now with no success. He’s hopeful that it will be resolved soon. I’m calling ASUS now, I’m sure they’re going to blame AMD😂😂😂


Thanks for the feedback buddy. But you didn't tell him that he is wrong because Astro said that nothing it's faulty but only we the users have no clue of how we can use a CPU in a motherboard? 😂😂😂

Teasing here. Hope you will get a replacement as soon as possible and things ll be settled. Keep us updated if you don't mind.