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PC Processors

Adept II

Ryzen 5 7600X temp

Hi, I have bought new 7600X cpu, however i'm not sure of these high temps. I'm having issues playing some games (elden ring for example, my pc restarts every 10 minutes). Are these OK or should i worry about it? Please check the screenshot, it's playing 10 minutes of Mortal Shell in steam

PC Specs: R5 7600X;MB: B650M TUF;PSU: CM 850 V2 GOLD+;AIO: ML240 ILLUSION


mortal HWM.PNG



1 Solution
Adept II

The GPU was faulty, the store replaced that for a new one and the issue were fixed


Thank you everyone for the help!

View solution in original post

33 Replies

Your PC is not shutting down due to the Ryzen overheating. According to your image the hottest it got was below 80c which is very good.

The Maximum Operating Temperature of your Ryzen 7600X is 95c. Once it reaches 95c it will auto throttle and if the temperature keeps rising it will shut down to prevent overheating damage to the CPU.

I would run OCCT CPU, GPU, and PSU stress tests and keep an eye on Temperatures, Fan speeds, and PSU Outputs for any abnormal data showing or if the PC shuts down during one of the tests.

I also see that your RX6700XT Hot Spot is 92c which is below its Maximum Operating Temperature of 110c.

If you PC is Restarting or shutting down by itself it could be due to several factors:

1- Overclocking (GPU or CPU)

2-Power issues (PSU giving out improper voltages)

3-loose power cable or power cable not connected to GPU or Motherboard

4-Defective hardware

5-Driver issue

6-Corrupted Windows OS

This tech site gives some good reasons some that I have already stated above plus how to fix each factor for shutting down your PC randomly:


Thanks for your answer

1- I didn't overclock any component

5&6 - I formatted my windows 10, also tried with w11, all the drivers are updated


I'll check with a new PSU and will let you know if I've lucky with that, I'm pretty sure that this is related with defective hardware


Before you replace your PSU run OCCT PSU Stress test and see if the PSU outputs are all under 5% tolerances especially your 12 and 5 Vdc.

If the PSU outputs are all fine during the PSU Stress test then it is a good chance it isn't your PSU.


I'll check,

Thanks again for your help!


LoL, I did forgot to mention the most common reason for the PC to shut down by it self "Overheating".

I though I posted it and not see that I didn't. Sorry about that.


Don't worry, thank you

I forgot to mention that I checked windows event and the issue is "Kernel Power 41" 



Big Boss

PREBITA, your maximum temperature is 95C, so these temperatures are fine. Post a screenshot of Ryzen Master running Cinebench. Thanks and enjoy, John.


Hi John,

Thanks for your answer and apologies for the late response,


Please check your request


Thank youryzen M.PNG




Thanks, PREBITA. What cooler do you have? Is it properly mounted and are you using a good thermal paste? Please also post the screenshot of Advanced view running Cinebench R23, post both views so we know they are correlated. You are definitely overheating in this RM shot and I suspect cooler or air circulation problems. Thanks and enjoy, John.


Hi John,

I forgot to mention that the issue is related with Kernel Power 41 (windows event viewer)

The AIO is a cooler master 240ML Ilussion and it's suppose that is properly mounted

I'll send you R23 soon,



Thanks, PREBITA. Kernel Power 41 is the common error everybody gets when the system shuts down suddenly. You definitely have a overheat problem! Perhaps your cooler fans are not running or the pump stopped or is clogged up. Please check carefully. Thanks and enjoy, John.


Please check the screenshots requestedryzenm adv.PNG ryzenm r23.PNG

All the hardware is new. The AIO was installed by the place where I bought it, I took the computer to the place again to check that and they told me it was properly installed. Do you think ML240 Ilussion is enough for the CPU?

I also run FurMark and Prime95 at the same time for 30 minutes and computer didn't reboot


stress test.PNG


Thanks again,



Thanks much, Agustin. That is a great looking cooler but the specifications do provide maximum power capability. I think it should handle 105 Watts just fine.  If it was mine, I would get a SATA 12 Volt to Fan connector adapter and run both fans and the pump at 12 Volts and see if that helps. You should open a service request with Cooler Master and ask them what power dissipation it supports. Describe you overheating and ask what they suggest also ask if they have seen any clogging. Thanks and enjoy, John.

Hi John,

Thanks again for your help, I contacted CoolerMaster and told me that the AIO is fine for my CPU. I'll check that it was properly mounted and also the thermal paste

Also I'll try with another modular PSU and see what's happens

I also tried two things separalety

1) Undervolt in BIOS to level 3, 70c but didn't work

2) Disable aggressive mode in power options > processor power management. The temp decrease to 50c permanent but my computer reboot playing elden ring & cyberpunk in ultra (it runs at 60fps pretty good)



Thanks, Agustin. Until we determine what is going on, please no OCing or under Volting, in other words please stay out of BIOS it just confuses the issue. When we figure it out, then have fun! I use Ryzen Balanced power plan unaltered and recommend the same. Thanks and enjoy, John.


Agustin, I should have said: That is a great looking cooler but the specifications do NOT provide maximum power capability. 


Hi John, hope you're good, I raised a ticket in Cooler Master to get the information of the TDP. As per some reviews in internet, it's around 200W. I'll try to check with another PSU this weekend and if it doesn't work I'll buy a premium air cooler (noctua, deepcool or arctic) to see what happens




Sorry, I forgot to mention that in Cooler Master Fanzone  told me that the AIO should support the CPU well but I'm still waiting for the TDP number




Thanks, Agustin. The TDP of your processor is 105W and I suspect your cooler is more capable  than most air coolers. That says something is amiss. Perhaps you need to RMA the cooler or at least get 12 Volts to the pump and radiator fans. That is what I do, all my fans run on 12 Volts from the PS. Enjoy, John.


Hi John, hope you're good!
I decided to test the games with the integrated GPU of the CPU and I'm playing with no reboots for an hour, also the temp of the CPU keeps in 55-60 degrees.

I am very excited about this scenario, I will continue playing to confirm that there are no resets. If this continues, do you think it is a problem of the GPU or the PSU?

If I can continue playing without issues, I'll move the DP to the GPU again to check if pc reboots

Thanks again for your support

Regards, Agustin


Agustin, little cold but fine, thanks. I do not even know what GPU you were running. It was...? Please post the two screenshots of RM running Cinebench R23 on your iGPU. I will think about your solution but at least it is good news. Thanks and enjoy, John.


Hi John,

The GPU is a Radeon 6700XT Power Color Red Devil

I'm using the iGPU with DisplayPort, two hours playing Elden Ring without issues (max CPU temp 62°)

Please check the screens required

Thanks again for all your supportigpu r23.PNG


Thanks, Agustin. Looks good, still maxed the temperature. What does HWMonitor say about the fans and pump? Enjoy, John.


Sorry John, are you referring to fans and pump of GPU when is connected? or chasis fans too? (I've 3 front and 1 in back, thermaltake v250tg)



I am talking about the processor cooler pump and cooler fans. Thanks,  John.


Well, I've an issue with AIO pump, cause it appears as N/A in bios and also in Asus armoury so I'm not able to change speed optionsaio pump.PNG


Agustin, that looks like a pump profile. What does HWMonitor say? Maybe your pump is not running. That would explain a lot! This is one more reason I run all fans and the pump on 12 Volts. John.


Sorry John, I'm not able to see processor cooler pump and cooler fans in HWMonitor, maybe something is pending to be connected in mother/psu? looking into the chasis both fans of the AIO are running

cpu fan.PNG



Agustin, in the first SS of this sequence there was at least one fan shown beside the GPU (0 RPM), the rest were cutoff. Please post the bottom of that HWinfo. HWinfo only knows the header the fans are plugged into. OCCT which uses one of the info applications post all the wrong names because I do not use the named headers for what the MB thinks. Thanks and enjoy, John.


Oh, apologies for the misunderstood. Please check the screen, I'm still with iGPU playing without issues, please let me know if you want an HWM screen with the GPU 6700XT fans information

gpu fans.PNG



Thanks, Agustin. After all my fussing not much to see. The PWM fan at zero RPM may well be your pump. Please see if you can connect your pump to 12 Volts, then I suspect you can go back to you GPU. Your manual shows this:

ASUS fan headers.png

Therefore HWinfo should have shown us 5 fans and the AIO-Pump. Please tell us what you have plugged to each of these headers. If any are unused, try plugging your fan into it and setting the control in BIOS to always full speed. Let us know. Thanks and enjoy, John.


Hi John,

Apologies for the late response, finally I tried a 3080 rog strix and my computer didn't reboot. I RMA my gpu and hope the store can find the issue with the test they will run


Thank you for your time,


Adept II

The GPU was faulty, the store replaced that for a new one and the issue were fixed


Thank you everyone for the help!