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PC Processors

Journeyman III

ryzen 5 5600x superaquecendo mesmo com water cooler

olá, tenho um pc com ryzen 5 5600x com watercooler, montei o pc a menos de 6 meses e ele começou aprensentar sinais de superaquecimento de 2 semanas para cá. ja restaurei, limpei a poeira, troquei a pasta termica, troquei o cabo de energia, atualizei a bios, tentei jogar sem o vidro lateral e nada funciona, tenho um rise mode 360mm e ele nao parece ter defeito, nao sei oque fazer, se isso pode ser um defeito na peça ou nao... 😞

alguem pode me ajudar, a cpu chega a temperaturas 100°c sem estar realizando nenhuma tarefa, com o processador apresentar 5% de uso

7 Replies
Big Boss

subcapreta, this user forum is an English only site. Please translate your post. Thanks, John.


Ryzen 5 5600x overheating even with water cooler

Hello, I have a PC with Ryzen 5 5600x with watercooler, I built the PC less than 6 months ago and it started showing signs of overheating for 2 weeks now. I've already restored it, cleaned the dust, changed the thermal paste, changed the power cable, updated the bios, tried playing without the side glass and nothing works, I have a 360mm rise mode and it doesn't seem to have a defect, I don't know what to do, if This may or may not be a defect in the part...

Can anyone help me, the CPU reaches temperatures of 100°C without performing any task, with the processor showing 5% usage


Thanks, subcapreta. Please post a screenshot of Ryzen Master (RM) running Cinebench R24 Multicore. Make sure your pump is running at full speed. Thanks, John.

Adept III

With which tool do you monitor the temperatures?
- Display error
- water cooling broken
- CPU broken
... please check with the AMD Radeon software monitoring
and OCCT software.
Please only answer in English, greetings


Hello, I use "HWMonitor" and "aida64", both show very high temperatures and it is clear the great noise that the computer presents when it is at high temperatures

Journeyman III

Hello everyone. I’m facing the same issue with the same CPU model.

I have a Lian Li 360 water cooler with Corsair fans running at approximately 2800 RPM. Even when I undervolt, the temperatures remain high. Everything is clean and has new thermal paste.

Furthermore, all components are properly connected to the ASUS ROG STRIX B550-A GAMING motherboard.

I don’t have any viruses, malware, or other issues. The disk is not full, and all drives are defragmented. On the C drive, I have an M.2 SSD, and they are all functioning properly. I don’t have any overclocking (OC) as I mentioned earlier. I had to undervolt to manage the temperatures. The undervolt was done using Ryzen Master, setting all cores to 3700 MHz and providing 1V per core.

And I always have the fans at maximum speed because otherwise, it can’t handle even with the undervolt.

I work with my computer daily as a developer, and I need it to function properly. I’m exhausted from searching for solutions. Despite AMD processors running hotter, they’ve always been my preference. However, having the PC shut down in the middle of work is unacceptable. I lose work and miss meetings. If there’s any software that can help me identify why it’s overheating, I’d appreciate it. Alternatively, any other suggestions are welcome.


Thank you for your time.


3vans, you probably do not have the same parts or the same problem. Please open a new discussion, list all your parts and stay out of BIOS. Make sure your pump is running at full speed and post a screenshot of Ryzen Mister (RM).  John.