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PC Processors

Journeyman III

Ryzen 5 5500 CPU throttling

hey, my ryzen 5 5500 cpu is throttling to about 0.4 GHz when its base speed is about 3.6 GHz. I have checked temps, plug ins, fans, and BIOS but nothing is fixing it. It runs at about 20-25 degrees C so I know overheating isnt an issue. I just need some help figuring this out. Thank you for taking the time to read this.

2 Replies

What motherboard?

Is your motherboard's BIOS up to date?

Do you have the latest AM4 chipset drivers installed from

What are your full PC specs?

Is this a CLEAN install of Windows or is it carried over from another setup...?

Are you running any cable extenders of any kind INSIDE your case?

You can try reseating your CPU and check it for bent pins

ThreeDee PC specs

Run Ryzen Master and see if any of the top icons is RED. If it is RED than your processor is being throttled by either your CPU itself or your motherboard.

IF everything is Green or Yellow than need to continue to troubleshoot.

NOTE: Have you tried to stress test your processor using OCCT CPU,GPU, & PSU Tests to determine if under stress conditions your processors continues to throttle or not?