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PC Processors

Journeyman III

Ryzen 5 3600 (AMD) failed me...


Just wanted to share my story with all maybe it save time and nerves... As for me it takes a lot of time and nerves to find out that problem was in CPU...

I have been using AMD products for long time and always recommend to buy AMD CPUs to all my friends.
In my defense I was sure that OEM verions of CPUs has same warranty period as BOX verions and diffecene was only in cooler that I dont need (always choosing tower coolers that are more quite and efficient than are going in BOX verion).

I bought all components on 29th of september 2019. Problems started 2 month before the warranty expired.

The first problems manifested themselves in the form of complete system freeze (no BSOD). After poweroff and on it runed fine for 2 weeks period or so and then another freeze. It happens 3-4 times till final one when OS didnt boot properly and boot manager give me error that no OS installed.

After that I started to dig why this is happening...

There was few things that I discovered that night:

1. Disks (NVME-SSD and HDD-SATA) dissapers from time to time and did not apper in BIOS.

2. When disks are initialized startup may failed any time and if OS started up (it may be fast or takes few minutes) system freezes after some time and just before it I saw that system disk "active time" is 100% without any workload (in task manager).

3. USB and PCI devices works unstable. For example: PCI Wifi adapter may dissapers from system; USB dongle for mouse+keyboard may become unresponsive I saw that there was activity in on monitor but cursor wont move.

I've tested: disks, RAM (1 pass no errors on this PC), PSU, all perepheral devies was unpluged.

I've never encountered this kind of glitches because of the CPU and make an assumption that this mother board problems.

And same day mother board goes RMA.

45 days after (*sick* I know...) when it came back without any infomation what was repaired and just with piece of paper that it was tested with CPU and RAM. I was confused but take it back. At home I've intall all basic components in it and started to testing again. All was normal for few hour that day but next day after few hours of office working all my problems started again.

To eleminate MB from the equasion I bought new and different MB that did not solve my problems.

Then I take CPU, RAM and GPU and give them to my friend with almost same setup. All works fine for him for 2-3 days with avarage work load.

I take all back and and make a post on forum (not here) asking for help and thinking that I missed something.

After a bunch of test I get RAM errors (after 1st succesull pass) but this was not RAM its looks like this. Errors started to appear one after another and after huge amount of errors Memtest become unresponsive and test just freezes. All DIMM slots was occupied. I've started to test RAM one by one individually and there was no errors even after 3 passes.

I've inserted 2 RAM modules in A2+B2 slots and there was no POST screen and PC started cycle reboot it self. Same happens with A1+B1 slots. So RAM modules in A1 and A2 slots and even individually system wont starting up.

And again I test CPU on my friend PC and face same behavior.

I think there is no solution to this... I'm very dissapointed in AMD right now because of warranty period and that there was no option to buy CPU with out cooler and have same warranty period as BOX verion, I'm environmentalist and did not think that this is good company policy to sell something that will not be used and it will be a waste of the planet's resources... And also this situation looks very suspicious that it happened right before warranty is expired and did not have much time to find out and RMA CPU... This situation exhausted me so much... I always thought that if the processor was defective, it would manifest itself in the very near future, not after a year, but it seems that things have changed...

Maybe somebody know and somewhere there is some site\platform where we can count failed (that was failed soon before or right after warranty period expired) CPUs?

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