I realized my CPU which doesn't reach to 4100-4125-4150-4175-4200MHz anymore in BF5 sessions. I checked my settings double times but settings are default in BIOS for 6 months.
For this situation, I recorded my CPU voltage in BF5 session via HWInfo application and I shared graph, which is taken by Generic Log Viewer, about CPU Voltage.
I have two settings for two experiments:
- Settings #1: All settings are Auto, that is, the default settings
- Settings #2: All settings are Auto, but voltage is adjusted offset mode which is -0.05V
As far as I know, CPU can use high Voltage with auto settings in idle but it must low voltage in high usage or in load. Is there a problem, when you check my graphs? Can you check and share your ideas with me?
My components:
CPU: Ryzen 3600
Motherboard: MSI B450 Tomahawk Max
AIO: Asus LC 240 RGB
Settings #1's Graphs:

Picture 1: Percentage of CPU Voltage of Settings #1

Picture 2: Percentage of Best CPU Core Clock of Settings #1
Settings #2's Graphs:

Picture 3: Percentage of CPU Voltage of Settings #2

Picture 4: Percentage of Best CPU Core Clock of Settings #2