According to Microsoft CPU Compatibility Chart or List for the latest version of Windows 11 your APU Processor (Athlon 3000g) is indeed compatible and listed as being Windows 11 compatible:

Another User had a similar problem where the Microsoft Windows 11 Compatibility Chart or List omitted all 2000/3000 series Threadrippers from the list and mentioned his CPU wasn't compatible, ThreadRipper 3990WX which isn't listed for Windows 11.
The User contacted Microsoft Support and was told to open a ticket to rectify the error and was told it was compatible with Windows 11.
Yours might be a similar case. I suggest you open a Microsoft Support ticket and let them know the MS App may have a bug in it when it mentioned your APU processor wasn't compatible.
I would go ahead and try to upgrade to Windows 11 and see if it installs successfully or has errors.
Just make sure BIOS is UEFI Mode with Secure Boot enabled and fTPM enabled.
Make sure to make a System Backup of your Windows Drive in case you cant' revert back to Windows 10.