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PC Processors

Journeyman III

Problema disipador tornillos

he tenido que desmontar el disipador de mi amd ryzen 3 2200g, pero al tener que volverlo a montar, los tornillos que se sujetan a la placa base estan fomo bloqueados por la arandela que los sujeta. como consecuencia no se opueden ni apretar ni soltar, esdecir que no puedo volver a instalarlo. gracias de antemano

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Second: Make & Model of your CPU Heatsink that you are trying to install?

Can you post a picture of what you are saying about the screws?

Please re-translate your post into English when you reply.


Ok, I apologize for not having read the terms and conditions as I didn't know that this was an only english forum. Therefore I would like to solve my problem with my heatsink because I still have the same issue. As I said my processor is an AMD Ryzen 3 2200g which has the default heatsink: wraith stealth. The main issue is that I can't reinstall it because the screws are fixed and  do not move even If I tighten or unscrew them. Then they can't fit in the motherboard holes because they don't even reach to them, and I don't want to apply pressure in case I cause damage to the processor. I'll be glad If I can get a solution and I'd like to send you a photo or video of my issue to a personal e-mail if possible. Thank you very much and I look forward to hearing from you.


This seems to be an issue with the AMD Wraith Coolers. This User from Reddit was having the same problem as you are. Read the entire thread and see if it helps you install the Wraith Cooler again:​  and from Tom's Hardware Thread : New amd ryzen cooler NEED HELP INSTALLING - [Solved] - CPUs

According to the Thread,

You need to just get all the screws barely started. Just enough to grab onto the motherboard. Once you have all four screws started with one or two screw threads, tighten each one down.


Thanks for trying to solve my problem, I just needed to apply enough pressure but I must say that the design can lead to a small confusion but also the customer service you provide is very good. Again Thank you Amd, now I can enjoy my processor and push it to the limit!


xviper​ glad you were able to install the CPU cooler. I had a similar experience when I tried to install a new Hyper 212 EVO CPU Cooler. I barely screwed in one side of the bracket (2 screws) and then needed to use constant downward pressure on the other two screws on the other side of the bracket to get it started because they were slighted slanted upwards. I was also fearful of putting to much pressure on the screws to get them started. But you learn exactly how much pressure you need in the future. But the pressure is needed to get a very tight fitting.

By the Way, I don't work for AMD Customer Service nor AMD. I am a User like yourself. This AMD Forums is a forum where Users asks questions and other Users try to help solve it before needing to open a AMD Support Ticket. In the future, if you want, you can also help others with their problems with AMD hardware or software. Its open to anyone.