Everything else should be up to date my motherboard should be able to run this CPU no problem but it wont update and AMDs website only has driver updates for their Radeon series not FX
What motheboard you have?
Give me a model
MSI 760GMA-P34(FX)
CPUs do not use drivers. Update the BIOS.
gcuvillier, you need to do a Clear CMOS and install a fresh copy of your operating system (W7, W10?). Also make sure you have the latest AMD chip set DLed from AMD not the MB vendor! Enjoy, John.
can you post an image showing what cpu is installed under "Device Manager"?
Also download and run CPUID and see what CPU is shows and post an image of that also.
Also reset your BIOS/UEFI back to "Default" or "Optimum Settings" either through BIOS itself or by following the motherboard procedure by shorting a out a pin or pushing a button and removing the motherboard's battery to reset the BIOS. Then restart the computer.
Copied from your motherboard Manual:
How to reset BIOS without having to clear CMOS using BIOS itself:
See what CPU BIOS is indicating:
Make sure you have this Motherboard CPU Power connecting. Could have come loose when upgrading the CPU: