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PC Processors

Journeyman III

I plan to build R9 3900X please help

i am new on amd, i plan to build R9 3900X with asus strik X570 or asrock taiichi.

and i have ram from old pc, corsair CMR32GX4M4C3466c16 ver4.31 B-die and this ram not on qlv list, corsair hx750i, gtx 980 ti.

can i run this ram with xmp profile without problem?

1 Reply

Since the RAM is not listed on the QVL list it means either the Manufacturer didn't test the RAM or the RAM was found to be incompatible.

You can try and see if the new Processor works with the old RAM you have. If you start having a lot of Memory issues or doesn't boot up then you would need to purchase RAM from the QVL list.

If you start having memory issues remove all the RAM sticks and just use one stick to see if it boots up and works normally.