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PC Processors

Journeyman III

How to get AMD CPU temperature with a Powershell script?

I'm working in MSP (managed service provider) business.

I've been trying to find a way, to write a script, that does regular CPU temperature checks remotely.

With Intel CPU-s, it's quite easy to extract the CPU temperature information by a script (either get it from WMI or OpenHardwareMonitor).

However, these options don't seem to work with AMD processors.

Has anyone found a way to get AMD CPU temperature by a Powershell script?

I think it should be possible - there is software like AMD overdrive, that gets the information from somewhere (OverDrive™ Technology to Overclock CPU and Fan Control | AMD).

The problem is getting it by an automatically executed script.

2 Replies

You haven't mentioned your computer setup (Windows or Linux) nor the CPU you have installed: INFORMATION REQUIRED WHEN POSTING A QUESTION

If you have a Ryzen CPU/APU you need to install Ryzen Master to get the correct Temperatures. You can download the latest version from AMD Download page for your Ryzen CPU/APU.

But if you need create a Powershell script to get the temperatures automatically, try posting your question at AMD server forum:

AMD Server Forum: AMD Server Gurus or maybe here might be a better place :

From a link from Tech Docs | AMD

You can always open an AMD EMAIL SUPPORT ticket and see what they suggest: Online Service Request | AMD

EDIT: Found this webpage with Powershell script for temperatures. Don't know if this is where you got your information originally: powershell - Get CPU temperature in CMD/POWER Shell - Stack Overflow 

Also this may be your best bet for a working Powershell Scritp from Github: Get CPU Temperature With PowerShell · GitHub


Thank you for the reply and sorry for not clarifying about the setup.

Unfortunately, as it's a MSP type of situation, we have hundreds of different customers with different setups, so it's impossible to specify any particular configuration.

The Stack Overflow and GitHub scripts both utilize getting the temperature from WMI, but it seems, that AMD processors (or maybe the motherboards used with them) don't report the temperature to WMI.

I'll try the e-mail support and check out the server forum and developer page. Thank you for the suggestions.