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PC Processors

Adept I

Crashes due to SCEP Certificate enrollment initialization (0x80190194 HTTP_E_STATUS_NOT_FOUND)

Hi. I had a problem with SCEP Certificate enrollment initialization error (0x80190194 HTTP_E_STATUS_NOT_FOUND) for the last 6 months (approximately)... The problem was that when the PC was powered On, suddenly (even if i was in Desktop, without running any other program) it was giving me a blank black screen and restarted (crashed).

Yesterday, 06-May-2023, I made a BIOS update (I updated the BIOS to the latest version 10.01) and loaded UEFI defaults. I made also an SSD Secure Erase and a clean installation of Windows 11 Home 22H2 64-bit. I let Windows update to install the necessary drivers for the system, hoping that the optimal drivers/WHQL drivers for the system will be installed. I installed also basic apps in the PC, such as WinRAR, Firefox, Chrome, VLC, Avast free AV, no games or any sophisticated/heavy apps. All went fine this day. I also run a PassMark MemTest86 v10.4 Free for hours with the PASS as a result.

The next day (today, 07-May-2023) when I just browsing the internet, it made again a restart (crashed). When I logged-in Windows again, I opened the Event Viewer and I saw the same problem again (my Windows is in Greek Language, but I think you will understand):

Η προετοιμασία εγγραφής πιστοποιητικού SCEP για WORKGROUP\PC-RECEPTION$ μέσω απέτυχε:

GetCACaps: Not Found
{"Message":"The authority \"\" does not exist."}
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
Date: Sun, 07 May 2023 17:01:40 GMT
Content-Length: 121
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000;includeSubDomains
x-ms-request-id: c057795b-200b-4e3f-bac6-40edcab31ceb

Μέθοδος: GET(359ms)
Στάδιο: GetCACaps
Δεν βρέθηκε (404). 0x80190194 (-2145844844 HTTP_E_STATUS_NOT_FOUND)

My system configuration is:

ASRock B450M-HDV R4.0 (Rev 4.02 with v10.01 BIOS)
AMD Ryzen 5 3400G
RAM 2 x 4GB DDR4 Corsair VENGEANCE LPX (CMK8GX4M2C3000C16)
SSD Samsung 860 Evo 250GB 2.5" SATA
Windows 11 Home 22H2 64-bit

I have the PC for my business and I cannot work!

I am in a big problem...

Can you help me?

Does anyone have a solution?

Thank you.

9 Replies

Hello, I'm guessing you still have the Issue? Well me too. The only current known fixes are, getting a sperate TPM module, since the one of AMD is broke or going back to Win 10 the 21H2 version. Sorry to know that there are many of us, just linking you a thread here:

I'm just testing some ways to fix this issue. 
Will let you know guys if this works. 


Hope you have luck in fixing this.

Adept II

I have the same issue as you but i have Windows 10.

Hey, I would recommend you to often check new comments of this post:

I will soon change my cpu to see if the errors go away (what I wrote on the post)


I hope it goes away for you i am not so lucky as you as i can't change my CPU i have a laptop.


But this issue stems from Microsoft Removing some kind of a certificate from their Server i guess i mean i am no tech guy its just my best guess.

The OS Calls a Attestation server for a certificate and that certificate was removed.

I googled around and found some Microsoft site then i downloaded this package that they provide on the Microsoft site.

I verified it and then i expanded the cab file like it says then opened the TrustedTPM folder then i opened the version.txt file and in there i went and searched i have this error message: 

SCEP Certificate enrollment failed Error message in Event Viewer SCEP Certificate enrollment failed Error message in Event Viewer


 so i just searched for amd-keyid-52fb59e29aa83a962fb9eef0fe5b4811de6b751e

in the version.txt file And then i found it:

Removed Certificates Removed Certificates

So you can see they removed my certificate now if i check the certificate name of the user minimaltech: 8a0578cf56146fea399af903fb5b0ac36eb2786a


I can also see they removed his certificate also (its below mine in the above picture like 2 lines down).


So in theory i imagine this can be fixed by installing all those certificates by running the setup thingy ?? or maybe not? no idea i haven't tried that yet it seems like the setup.ps1 or setup.cmd installs a root certificate found in the TrustedTPM folder under AMD\RootCA then it installs all the other intermediary certificates that are included and maybe this will fix things ? or maybe it will continue calling for the one certificate that was removed ?


now i am not sure that's how this works but its worth a try i currently have like 100gb of data on this Laptop so i will try to do this once i have a drive ready to backup things in the event this goes catastrophically wrong. And then i will try this method and hey maybe this works or maybe i am waaay off!

But all these crashes and blue screens are really bothersome before i try this i will disable secure boot and clear the TPM and then try installing this offline.

I hope to report back with a positive development!


Yeah no this doesn't work. In other related news i am replying to a MS Support Moderator and i will make him aware of this version.txt file and see what he says about this.

I Hope to bring back a positive development!

Hello i am just updating this here! i was able to fix my issue it was not the certificates missing the event 86 thing is unrelated to the issues i was facing. So i was told with age the CPU gets weaker and it can't handle the turbo boost anymore and truly that was the cause of my issues. To fix the black screens and blue screens i had i had to disable the CPUs ability to turbo boost so here's how to do this just open up powershell as administrator and then use this command copy and paste it in and press enter:

Set-ItemProperty -Path HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Power\PowerSettings\54533251-82be-4824-96c1-47b60b740d00\be337238-0d82-4146-a960-4f3749d470c7\ -Name attributes -Value 2


after you do this go to search and search for edit power plan after this click on it and then choose Change advanced power settings click that and then power options window opens then we expand the following menu: Processor power management after that you will see at the bottom a new power option called Processor performance boost mode now the final step is to simply disable this from the drop down menu. And that's it this worked for me no more crashes. If you have older CPU try this i guess. Hope it works for you as it worked for me.

I followed the steps and found that mine was set to aggressive. I am using a 3700x and have been running it at 4.2GHz for over 5 years 16hours a day. Just had my 6800XT refurbished but now I am guessing it had nothing to do with that and its been my cpu this whole time. It is liquid cooled so its definitely not an overheating issue 

Created an account here just to say thank you and will update in future.