Asus Tuf Gaming Wi-fi Pro X570, 850W Seasonic Gold+ PSU, BeQuiet 4 CPU Cooler, RX 580 GPU, R9 3900xt
Recently had trouble getting GPU to have max pcie bandwidth for my RX 580 in PCIE_1, found this old link to possible problem:
In GPU-Z I get PCIe x16 3.0 x4 3.0 in PCIE_2 slot and only PCIe x16 3.0 x1 3.0 in the 4.0 PCIE_1 slot. Only thing I have not done is try my GPU in another computer but will do that next time I can. Anyways, I've done plenty of workarounds and now have settled for x4 in PCIE_2 slot for now which is fine.
Why I am on this message board is for anyone to see if it's a possible CPU problem. I will attach pictures of what might be a fault on my CPU. There are 4 pins closest to the arrow that seem odd, but I will let someone else diagnose. CPU is still under warranty.