Is normal that when I open programs CPU temperature goes from 30 C to 40-43 C and then after 1-2 seconds goes to 30C again? It's little annoying because cooler starts working faster for a moment.
I think this is normal, as it seems to happen on most CPUs, although it depends on the setup for whether the fan spins up. Running programs takes work, so ya, it will generate some heat.
Ok. But is it normal with Ryzen 5 1600?
Also i used two programs to check temperatures. Hwinfo and hwmonitor.
Hwinfo was showing these spikes when hwmonitor was still showing 30 C. But both programs are showing CPU cooler rpm speed changes.
I need to check temperatures under load. Hwmonitor was showing 46-48 Max but i need to check and compare with hwinfo
Yes it is normal of course.
Use hwinfo64.
You can set ramp-up and ramp-down delay for fan in BIOS (if you have this feature).
What does this feature do?
Can i change rpm on bios? IT is about 1100 rpm when im not playing games.
I don't know what mobo you have and what options are there in your BIOS.
On C6H for example you can not only control speed vs temperature curves (most BIOSes have this) but also how fast RPM should go up and down in response to temperature change - this avoids rapid speed ups and slow downs
I have b350 pc Mate. Do you know does it have feature like that?
By the way i changed my SSD placement (IT was in the special place for ssds behind the CPU) to 3.5" pocket and I see like temps on CPU went down to 23-25 and now they spike to 35 max but i need to see id this will keep like that when i will use pc for some time.
Yesterday i launched my pc and i left him idle with hwinfo opened for 15 minutes. I was doing nothing on him but were some spikes too to 35 C. But I think I should see how will IT look after some longer time. What do you think?
ShouldI be worried?
In my opinion, load temperatures below 60 C are not a cause for worry.
Yes but spikes from 25 to 35 idle?
In my opinion, idle temperatures below 40 C are not a cause for worry.
Last final question. So short temperature spikes to 35-41while using Pc for browser, opening some apps are ok. After 1-2 seconds IT goes back to 28-0 C
seems good