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PC Processors

Journeyman III

CPU issue when installing Windows 10 64x

Hi all, first of all, sorry for my english. I'm a french guy. 

I'm currently working on a pc that is having the following issues. 

When I try to install Windows 10 64x I have the following error message: ( acpi_bios_error ) without any error code. 

I was looking around the web and found that it could be a RAM issues, made some test where I change the RAM and i'm still having the issue. 

I finally made a test where I installed Windows 10 86x and to my supprise, the installation went on. I didn't get the acpi_bios_error.

Would someone have any idea on why this is happening ? 

1 Reply

Please share you're processor name because it maybe 32 bit and not 64 bit computer or laptop :laptop_computer: .... votre ordinateur est 32 bits vous avez essayé d'installer 64 bits donc il a échoué. Je vous remercie .